Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [conj] that it " in BNC.

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1 Goibniu was still studying the drawings and thinking that Reflection , greedy creature , would surely not be able to resist them and that it might n't be a bad idea to revive the ancient traditional dish of roast Gnome for the wedding feast , which would save them having to pay the Gnomes anything .
2 Capron said it had come to his attention that I 'd been meeting you and that it had to stop . ’
3 I told him I believed him and that it would be such a dirty trick not to post the letter that I was sure he must have posted it .
4 But I have tried to talk to him , to persuade him to say that he thought the askaris were going to shoot him or that it was a misunderstanding , but he refuse absolutely to excuse himself . ’
5 One of the main elements which matters to customers is that stock should be available to them when they order it , that it should be delivered at the time they request it and that it should be assembled correctly .
6 In anger she wrote : — whatever you have a mind to do Ellen it is not for you to dictate Oreste 's future and I confess I was disturbed to have you write as though he were your son and not mine , which he is and you know you can not keep him and that it would be wrong .
7 Does that mean that you 've got it and that it 's what you wanted .
8 You might decide to watch television , listen to music or read a book — but make sure that you enjoy it and that it has nothing to do with your work .
9 I think all of us wish this epidemic would go away , and that it would n't touch us and that it were only small numbers , but the news today clearly shows that it affects each and every one of us .
10 Again and again he insisted that the artillery ‘ give the infantry the impression that it is supporting them and that it is not dominated . ’
11 I 'm sure she enjoyed it and that it gave her a purpose in life .
12 In that case a car dealer who was negotiating to buy a car told the seller that there was no possibility of repairing it and that it was fit only to lie scrapped .
13 Not only would I have refrained from interfering with Thorpe J. 's decision on the footing that he had properly directed himself and that it was for him to decide , but because , even on the facts as they then were , I consider that his decision was plainly right .
14 I know I have n't anything to offer her and that it might be years before I could afford to run a house and give her the kind of life style she 's used to , so I would n't expect Sir Philip to agree to it for a long while . ’
15 The Audit Commission pointed out that 4 million people would be lifted out of the penury of having to pay it and that it would be possible to concentrate on those who can genuinely afford to pay but who do not .
16 After three such days the night nurse told us she thought that Caroline and I were exciting him and that it would be better if we went home and merely visited during the day .
17 But I do n't think we had it or that it would have made any difference if we had . ’
18 No dose of a highly potentized remedy can be too small that it can not be stronger than the natural disease , that it can not at least partially overcome it and that it can not start the process of cure .
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