Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [conj] [v-ing] it " in BNC.

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1 The record company folk who have been talking Gulf and eating her sarnies leave and Susanna draws up a chair , sits on it cross-legged and starts to play with her hair , twisting it and knitting it .
2 The Founders were to be the guardians of the purity of the paper , protecting it and keeping it in touch with the grass roots which they represented .
3 ‘ That 's a good guess , ’ she said , neither denying it nor confirming it .
4 opening it and shutting it ,
5 It was only a one-sided lock , which is completely and totally different to an ordinary lock er working both sides , you see what I mean and er I er I 'd got to er make a key , number thirty-nine just like that , see but I had it and I could find out what thirty-nine was and I could make them one and send it and knowing it would fit see and er when they had different people working there , you know staff , things like that , not a lot of orders but er somebody else come .
6 The connotations of this in the creation of manhood were made clear by Baden Powell , founder of the Scout movement , who observed that masturbation checks the semen from getting its full chance of making the strong , manly man : ‘ You are throwing away the seed that has been handed down to you as a trust instead of keeping it and ripening it for bringing a son to you later on . ’
7 Plus , taking , keeping it and doing it if you see benefit in that .
8 You see , he knew he would get more income in the long run from returning your hat than from keeping it and selling it . ’
9 And so when you 're pushing pressing on that squashing it and making it flow into sheets the pulling on it and seeing whether it will stretch or whether it .
10 But he had written all over this one — the handwriting was unmistakable — before tearing it and throwing it on the floor .
11 Anyway , I have no access to it , and have to cart metres of black metal piping back from the town and sweat and labour over it , bending it and cutting it and boring it and crimping it and bending it again , straining with it in the vice until the bench and shed creak with my efforts .
12 This does n't help , setting it all down , discussing it , unravelling it and rolling it up like a dead tongue .
13 It is the same principle as the female body receiving the male sperm , and , after it has conjoined with the egg , nourishing it and gestating it so that its form can grow from fundamental simplicity to the complexity of a human body .
14 He hopped close to my feet and waited till I presented him with a bun all to himself , and he had hard work nibbling it and taking it along with him to his home .
15 People own masses of land , not developing it or working it .
16 In practice that will only occur if there are difficulties in serving the defendant ( see , for example , Gurtner v Circuit [ 1968 ] 2 QB 587 , Howells v Jones ( 1975 ) 119 SJ 577 , Sisknys v Hanley ( 1982 ) The Times , 26 May ) or if there has been an express or implied agreement to defer service of the writ or the plaintiff 's delay in serving it or renewing it has been induced or contributed to by the defendant 's words or conduct ( Heaven v Road and Rail Wagons Ltd [ 1965 ] 2 QB 655 ) .
17 When I very deliberately try and remember it like this I know I end up remembering it and describing it being like a bar scene in a musical , where everyone that the camera pans past is a very definite character , and they 're all so eager when the camera is on them , clapping and laughing and tapping their feet to the music so convincingly .
18 is the bathroom , so she must have been in there cos he 's hammering on the door and bashing it and kicking it .
19 However , jailing Shields for three months , Sheriff William Fulton told him : ‘ It is not so much a case of stealing from this house as plundering it , ransacking it and leaving it in an awful mess .
20 the gathering up of all this scattered craft knowledge , systematising it and concentrating it in the hands of the employer and then doling it out again only in the form of minute instructions , giving to each worker only the knowledge needed for the performance of a particular relatively minute task .
21 In the higher , hotter parts , the lava continually advances forward over this solid material , engulfing it and rolling it up like the tracks on a tank or caterpillar tractor .
22 I would n't bother with that if I were you , we 're gon na be hoovering it and cleaning it are n't we .
23 This may mean returning it to the dealer or manufacturer , but certainly not incinerating it or throwing it out with other household waste that ends up in a shallow landfill .
24 The GDR 's choice is between dealing with chaos quickly and overcoming it or putting it off .
25 If , having chosen not to take advice , they took the same tack with the process of law once started , and thought that by ignoring it or defying it they could halt it , they were laying themselves open to an even ruder shock .
26 The house is a mobile home , carried about as the caddis walks , like the shell of a snail or hermit crab except that the animals builds it instead of growing it or finding it .
27 I take the view that a collection of material which is consonant with our acquisitions policy in other respects , should be accepted on the assumption that we must find a way of preserving it and making it available .
28 The people surrounding it and supporting it — and by now many are living off it — are fitter and are living longer than ever before .
29 the Organisers shall accept full responsibility for making good any damage caused to the premises , furniture , equipment or other property of the University by conference/course participants , the Organisers , their agents , servants or contractors , and for the cost involved in any substantial alterations of the normal furniture layout of the accommodation to be used , or , where more than normal costs are involved , in cleaning it and restoring it to order after use .
30 It involves sucking the contaminated oil into a cleaning system housed in a mobile trailer , cleaning it and returning it to the transformer .
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