Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [conj] [vb base] i " in BNC.

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1 I had to admit , I did feel good for a moment or two psychologically speaking , but when I stood up to finish tidying my room I began to feel rather ashamed , even though no one had been here to see me or hear me .
2 The women would look up and congratulate me and encourage me to ‘ go on , go on , you can , you can ’ .
3 Their company seemed to drain me and send me into a state of nervous exhaustion after even a short while .
4 I mean she wo she says pardon me or excuse me , but it 's so matter of fact that I 'd be I could never burp like that if I tried , you know .
5 He wanted to take me where the cold would hurt me and make me more miserable .
6 You want to psycho-analyse me and send me home with all my little idiosyncrasies ironed out ! ’
7 Jeremiah , the Old Testament prophet , assures us of God 's promise : ‘ You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart . ’
8 But forgive me and let me succeed .
9 Quite suddenly , love for her , for gentle , golden Anne , flooded me , and I jumped out of bed , pushing back the net , wanting to run to her and tell her everything , wanting to confess and have her forgive me and kiss me with those soft , childish , soothing kisses .
10 Come kiss me and tell me you forgive me for exposing you to so much danger and distress .
11 The delay was enough for Clerval to catch me and seize me from behind .
12 When I looked then at first I could n't see , it was all — you know — black like inside my eyes , but I knew they were open and I could hear the kids yelling — and when I got up he was lying on the sofa , snoring — he must 've just dropped me and let me where I lie- ’ She stopped and Clare sat quietly waiting .
13 would it be possible for me to pay my half of that and the s pay the other half because I 'm not i it it 's really started to worry me and concern me a lot
14 Are you going to serve me or do I have to step behind the counter and cram as much food into my face as possible myself ?
15 He hates me , he wants to defile me and break me and destroy me .
16 Today I asked him to bind me and gag me and let me sit at the foot of the cellar steps with the door out open .
17 Why did you cheat me and let me down ?
18 You can show me or remind me of the difference between orange and pink , perhaps by showing me a colour chart .
19 He snarled and whined and grizzled , admitted nothing , pretending to be insulted , tried to bully me or bluff me or charm me .
20 He hates me , he wants to defile me and break me and destroy me .
21 will lift me and launch me ;
22 Let the man lift me from the car still asleep and wrapped in a tartan blanket , let him lift me and carry me up the stairs to my bed , let him gently say , ‘ we 're here ’ … let him lay me down to sleep .
23 ‘ They will find out I 've done nothing and flog me for it . ’
24 ‘ It 's just that I doubt that your grandmother sent you after me with instructions to — to abduct me and drag me to Rome at any cost . ’
25 If they decide to arrest me and throw me in gaol , my plans will have to be drastically altered … ’
26 ‘ Whether you scold me or thank me , I 'll always do my best for the family at all times .
27 Ember said more loudly , ‘ So now it 's either sell you or sell me .
28 Because I asked you and remember I rang you up about a week , a week ago and said , what , which number have you
29 I hoped she would n't make a big production out of the delivery upstairs , but just in case she did I thought I would n't go anywhere where she could see me and point me out to any of the owners , so I left through the front exit gates and found the actors ' bus with its Mystery Race Train banner and faded inside into the reassembling troupe .
30 I would do it in a nice way and then he might remember me and ask me out later . ’
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