Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [conj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In magisterial style , Green dealt peremptorily with the committee 's inflexible attitude , reminding them that on every substantive issue he had fully discussed its possible implications with them .
2 As it turned out , he was able to see them while in no danger of being seen .
3 Well , since I am going to kill you anyway — an intruder in my house , I met you , drew my gun ; you attacked me and in the ensuing fight the gun went off , unfortunately killing you — I — ’
4 Agents and exporters should therefore treat them as within the existing system , and include T2 documents where appropriate .
5 I am astonished that the author did not consult ourselves as to the allegations made prior to publication .
6 The functional managers are responsible for choosing the right staff , for instructing them and for the result with regard to quality , quantity and cost .
7 They would n't need them because of the , this technology and that that 's but nevertheless they do ha they would be conscripted because they do have to have the ground troops of
8 The individuals most concerned on these three occasions do not usually instigate them except in the case of the marriage .
9 Coins can make three contributions to this study , all of which derive from the way that coin portraits are normally identified by the inscription that accompanies them and from the fact that they have survived in much greater numbers than have portraits in any other medium .
10 ACTOR Patrick Swayze has slashed £200,000 off the wooden mansion he built himself because of the US property slump .
11 — the C. and A.G. satisfying himself as to the accuracy of the appropriation accounts ( s. 1(2) ) ;
12 But I ca n't explain it , it 's as if the devil himself is down there , and there 's this horrible smell that chokes you and at the same time you get the feeling that something evil is lying in wait for you .
13 She held her arms across her aching breasts so tightly that her fingers dug into her flesh , but whether in an effort to contain herself or as a substitute for someone else 's embrace , she did n't know .
14 It had taken her four years to meet him and within an hour it was all over .
15 At around the same time , Michael Blumenthal , the Us treasury secretary , visited him while on a swing through the middle East in search of petrodollars for investment in the states .
16 After all , Mercurius was the tutelary deity of the Art , and it was of his very nature to beguile and confuse in this manner ; but she could take no comfort from the knowledge , for she must pursue him as through a hall of mirrors , from one bride-chamber to the next , and at each remove he shifted shape with such dispiriting agility that , again and again , she might have cried out loud for rest .
17 It was shortly after this that her mother approached her and in a voice that she rarely used to her , she said , ‘ Agnes , I …
18 That did n't happen , but Hirst did set up one of the great matches of the season — and he would have won it but for a superb Peter Schmeichel save at 3-2 .
19 Slavonic legend has it that at the time of the Creation of the World a group of malignant spirits staged a revolt against Svarog , the sky god .
20 Tradition has it that at the cremation of Gautama Buddha in India in 543 BC the tooth survived the flames and was brought to Kandy in the fourth century AD .
21 Amid the euphoria of its seven-point opinion poll lead , the party 's own pollsters have reminded it that in the South the Conservatives lead 47-33 while in the Midlands and Wales the race remains too close to call .
22 ‘ But I 've told Leeds I would prefer delaying it until after the World Cup final , especially with the Aussies playing three warm-up games in England . ’
23 Ptolemy ranked it as of the first magnitude , and seems to have referred to it as ‘ the Last of the River ’ ; from Alexandria he could not see Achernar , though Acamar was visible low over the horizon .
24 Our courts have refused to consider the validity of an Act of Parliament either on the ground that Parliament had no power to pass it or on the ground that the statute had been improperly passed .
25 On the other hand , there must be effect , dependent upon the age of the child , upon libidinal development as we have considered it and upon the modelling phase of the child 's life .
26 For example , in English Hop Growers Ltd v Derring [ 1928 ] 2 KB 174 Scrutton LJ said " I have always for myself regarded it as in the public interest that parties who , being in an equal position of bargaining , make contracts , should be compelled to perform them , and not to escape from their liabilities by saying that they had agreed to something which was unreasonable " .
27 Er well in the book it does n't say it and I tried it and under the give that a little bit more room , can get back under by just moving
28 Patricia Branca has reminded us that in the Victorian household where the man earned between £100 and £300 a year , an income range which excluded the highly skilled manual worker and included as many as 42 per cent of the middle class , there was only enough money available for the employment of one or at most two domestic servants and very little at all for the rest of the ‘ paraphernalia of gentility ’ desired by the aspiring middle class household .
29 The elements it contained ‘ helped us but in the end our approach is driven by our own particular view focused by the firm 's strategic plan ’ , said Mulvie .
30 Running into the target we were heavily engaged by accurate flak that caught us whilst in a large cone of searchlights .
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