Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [be] given [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Recommendations for protecting yourself are given including a summary of the early signs of malignant melanoma — prompt recognition and diagnosis provide the best chance of protection .
2 A complete list of errors and the action required to remedy them is given in the ‘ Reference Guide to LIFESPAN ’ .
3 Let it be given by the entrepreneur himself , all-seeing , omnipresent and ever available , whose personal orders are reinforced by the personal example which his employees have constantly before their eyes . ’
4 Some or all of the 13 will be questioned about shares which they or their relatives or aides received from Recruit ; the prosecutors suspect they were given in exchange for political favours .
5 It is difficult to assess what one learns from a good teacher — I was so greedy to learn that one can not always separate what was given from what one has seized upon and made one 's own .
6 I have been talking to the whites many years about the lands in question , and it is strange they can not understand me ; the country they claim belonged to my father , and when he died it was given to me and my people , and I will not leave it until I am compelled to .
7 More details of these charts and how to complete them are given in ILO ( 1979 ) .
8 But none have forgotten the pain of being driven from their parents nor the welcome and love they were given at Waddesdon as a small compensation for that loss .
9 The Nobel committee said it was given for their work towards a peaceful ending of apartheid and for laying the foundation for a democratic South Africa .
10 Shortly before the European Communities ( Amendment ) Bill was due to gain its second reading , he told the House that the referendum question could be perfectly simple unless the job of formulating it was given to the Department of Education officials who framed the current controversial tests for 14-year-olds .
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