Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [adv] in a " in BNC.

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1 This is real wilderness — we met no-one else in a day 's walking .
2 That 's what they did to people after they had died , they laid them out in a bed .
3 Woolley led them down in a mock attack , the arrowhead formation swooping in a long , curling dive that went under the Frenchman 's tail and zoomed up and levelled out , back on patrol .
4 ‘ A lot of the simpler souls ’ , said Quigley , ‘ probably think a great big snake is going to slither out at them and start gobbling them up in a few years . ’
5 And although overseas sales are steadily growing , many countries , such as the US , Germany , Italy , and the UK , are producing their own robots , and using them innovatively in a variety of non-manufacturing applications .
6 ‘ Uniforms bring me out in a rash . ’
7 Having steadily reduced the preparation from organism to circuit , the stage was set for the final reduction ; Kandel 's colleague Samuel Schacher dissected out the specific sensory and motor neurons and incubated them together in a dish ( a procedure known as tissue culture ) .
8 Set down ten pairs of cards , pick them up in a pack and give them to onlookers to cut a few times .
9 You do n't have to gather them together in a group in order for that to be a successful piece of creative activity . ’
10 Meanwhile , the Whips pursued the government in the hope of catching them out in a snap vote ; at the least this would disrupt their progress and there seemed an outside chance that the government would tire of the interminable pressure and throw in the sponge .
11 I thought they 'd hidden me away in a cupboard .
12 The secret is to use them to create a striking feature , and not just hide them away in a shady corner of the garden .
13 Oh yes , I was told , providing we did n't mind tucking ourselves away in a converted cow shed .
14 SIR — After watching the England soccer team 's drab display in Prague , I am tempted to say that if the FA send them out in a nondescript kit , their performance will mirror their appearance .
15 ‘ I do n't want to meet them again in a hurry .
16 Pot up the small young plants as ‘ plugs ’ and grow them on in a frame or a greenhouse — or even in a wooden box covered with polythene .
17 The relationship between staff and students of University College , apart from the pastoral care of the few Anglican students and staff , involved me increasingly in a study of the history and culture of Burma .
18 Expect me back in a few minutes , ’ she heard him say distantly .
19 I was sure that his status as head of the herd helped me out in an unpleasant encounter .
20 But as the most famous boxer in the modern history of the game , Tyson found himself back in an environment he hoped he had turned his back on for ever .
21 In the first called Ascot , Nielsen disguises himself cunningly in a hat that would have probably made Gertrude Shilling turn pale .
22 The water level drops and then , woosh , up it all comes , first rising like a column — at this stage it looks like a vaguely blue shaggy ink cap toadstool — then blasting itself apart in a flourish of steam .
23 The Government found itself not in a majority of 87 but in a minority of 92 .
24 I 'll catch you up in a minute or two . ’
25 It only remained to write everything up in a comprehensive report .
26 Kuijken ( ) , as ever , puts musical values first , and in this he reminds me very much of a firstgeneration ‘ authentic ’ recording made by the Collegium Aureum under Schmidt-Garden ( not yet available on CD ) , which similarly involved one textually in a way which few versions can match , even if one is left with the impression that many of the musical solutions may have registered almost as comfortably on modern instruments .
27 She had curled herself up in a corner of the motorspeeder to get some rest , but there was too much adrenalin swimming aimlessly about her system and her eyes kept opening themselves .
28 Melanie had been told they had come to live in a great city but found herself again in a village , a grey one .
29 She flushed , as if he had caught her out in a social solecism .
30 Ianthe realised from his triumphant expression that he had caught her out in a mistake and waited with resignation to hear what it was .
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