Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [adv] [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Bring them in so that they share the unpopularity but do n't give them enough power to change anything . ’
2 It was so crowded they had to unlace the side-flaps of the enormous tent and raise them up so that people could sit outside the tent , down the sides , and though we could n't see him very well , we heard him .
3 She lay in bed , curled up like a ball , grasping her twin moons , and erotically easing them apart so that the cleft widened to expose her tight little bumhole .
4 Even though he was old enough to be my father and now walking like an old , old man , every feminine instinct I possessed was reminding me most pleasantly that he was neither my father nor an old , old man .
5 All of this involved taking both parents ’ sex cells with their half-complement of DNA signals in the chromosomes , and bringing them together so that the cells could clamp on to each other and start dividing and growing .
6 After they have done this , tell them to return all the cards to the pack and to shuffle them together so that you can not possibly know where they were .
7 The studio was shaded with heavy blue curtains and as he drew them back so that she could see to read more easily , a shaft of sunlight struck across her hair .
8 Allow about five folded pieces of blotting paper to one directory , spacing them equally so that the pages of the directory act like the newspaper in the press .
9 ‘ It 's because she loves me so much that I just ca n't hurt her .
10 To know you so completely that ever after you will be me , and I you . ’
11 ‘ God , ’ he muttered against her neck , ‘ you can be the most impossible woman I 've ever met , but I want you so badly that it hurts . ’
12 Folding her against him , he gave a long sigh , then moved her back so that he could look into her face .
13 He turned over on his back and drew her up so that her head lay on his shoulder .
14 He came to meet her so fast that the skirt of his white coat floated out behind him .
15 Great care must be taken to set the hoe up and steer it accurately so that the blades run close to the crop without damaging the seedlings .
16 If , on the other hand , you judged the conversation you heard to be trivial and inconsequential and found yourself only selecting certain parts of it : if you changed it , rewrote it , rethought it completely so that it accorded with your own notion of how that conversation should have proceeded , then you are another sort of writer .
17 Urquhart lifted his chair with both hands and moved it round so that he could cross his legs .
18 If you think something you 've noticed is important , report it separately so that it can be put on the resident 's file .
19 Now , this activity though , I , I 'm going to ask you report it back so that each group reports to me
20 History may point at Berlin and say it way here that the dream of communism started to curl up and die .
21 Just say it quietly so that the people can get the joke
22 We peel it off so that the nails go into the wood itself .
23 He laughed softly , the wind catching the low rumble of sound and tossing it around so that for a moment the very air seemed to be filled with it .
24 Erm so we we need to work out how much space we need to stand it in so that I can get back to Philip and and and agree that .
25 Then he lay down again carefully , putting his hand and arm on the far side of the body and easing himself down so that he was partly lying on Patrick , his trunk upon his trunk , his legs upon his legs , and , as he supported himself on his arms , his face just above the skeleton face .
26 Also , more is understood nowadays about the balance of life within a pool , so the much quoted passage of the father of English gardening , William Robinson , in his classic The English Flower Garden ( 1895 ) scarcely applies now : ‘ Unclean and ugly pools deface our gardens ; some have a mania for artificial water , the effect of water pleasing them so well that they bring it near their houses where they can not have its good effects .
27 If anyone puts a verse like that on my headstone , I 'm warning them right now that I 'll get up and haunt them for ever .
28 So I rang the hospital and told them very calmly that we 'd be arriving shortly , then I woke up Tony and — thinking I had loads of time — ran a bath . ’
29 ‘ She agreed to marry me , but she told me straight away that she would n't be able to live in England all the time , and I told her I could n't live in L.A.
30 Time told me more immediately that it was five-thirty , the hour of return to the dining room , and I returned to find every single seat already taken , the passengers having learned fast .
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