Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [pron] time [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It was n't until the launch had vanished around the tip of Vittoriosa , and the soaring golden bulk of Fort St Angelo , that she realised he had n't told her what time he expected her at Casa Sciorto tomorrow evening .
2 Tell me what time you have to get up in morning
3 No no , no no no no no , ask me what time I was up at ?
4 Blinking , Luce asked , ‘ Can you tell me what time it is , Rosa ?
5 You can stay and wh tell me what time you 're think about going .
6 Erm I ca n't tell you what time he 'll be home really erm well say in the twenty minutes he 's bound to be home cos he he 's been home and then he 's had to shoot out again , he 's gone to get the battery so he wo n't be long .
7 You can tell it what time you wan na set out
8 He was matter-of-fact about it , as if he were telling me what time it was .
9 She parked a pencil in her hair , looked at her wristwatch , compared that with the wall clock , asked us what time we thought it was , then we all went to a small room that housed a phone and an old-fashioned-looking twelve-inch TV set .
10 Now do n't ask me what time he came in because I ca n't be exact .
11 And I was supposed to phone my dad to tell him what time I was playing racquet .
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