Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [pron] is [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We will try to accommodate everyone who is interested , ’ Ken said .
2 you encounter someone who is good at something you are poor at but aspire to ( ie flirting , dancing , doing crossword puzzles , playing a musical instrument , telling jokes , playing sports , doing the Rubik cube in 38 seconds )
3 I would have thought that when there is a risk attached you would need someone who is used to helping in a crisis . ’
4 Never touch someone who is angry , and do n't hesitate to ask for help .
5 Introducing the convergence factor , where , in the general case of a signal F(t) which is zero before time , leads to a modified transform which it is customary to express in terms of the complex variable as This particular transform is known as the Laplace transform .
6 Because you want something which is big and small
7 Put simply , if you wish to make a reactive intermediate , incorporate it into a molecule that contains something which is stable on its own .
8 The replies can however be used against you if you in the trial say something which is inconsistent with what you said in the section 2 interview .
9 If there is no collection point near you , press the Council to provide one which is convenient .
10 If he does not know something he is happy to admit it — as in the paragraph on backpacking with children : ‘ No experience ’ .
11 We know also the son of God has come and has given us understanding so that we may know him who is true and we are
12 Do you know anyone who is involved in these sorts of things ?
13 Woe betide anyone who is foolish enough to leave his rod unattended when barbel fishing .
14 Mr Fallon said he was pleased to see the matter would be kept under review but added : ‘ I still think it is a nonsense to sell something which is illegal to use . ’
15 The designer has to choose one which is appropriate for the file .
16 By law , all gas and electric fires have now to be fitted with a fire-guard by the manufacturers , and when helping an elderly Person to choose one it is wise to encourage her to buy one with the on/off control switch on the top or high up on the side , to avoid unnecessary bending .
17 Now I 'm hoping he can have a good run and show what he is capable of . ’
18 Does it do what it is supposed to do ?
19 It is logical that the United States should do whatever it is able to do to assist in the return of normal economic health in the world , without which there can be no political stability and no assured peace … there must be some agreement among the countries of Europe as to the requirements of the situation and the part those countries themselves will take in order to give proper effect to whatever action might be undertaken by this government .
20 You do not have to give formal written notice that you are leaving , but it is important not to say or do anything which is inconsistent with pursuing a constructive dismissal claim .
21 Your study of cash flow will have shown you what is wrong with Henry 's plan .
22 And if we are not looking for something which is as restrictive as greenbelt we ought neither to be expressing in whatever terms a presumption or describing something which is permissible as an exception .
23 Okay , now I 've just used this one example , but if you look at erm each other and one another there is also a reflective pronoun to find that they work in the same way in the appropriate antecedents and it also works for quantifier pronoun relations every girl admires herself which is fine but herself admired every girl does n't make a whole lot of sense .
24 WITH its name rooted in the Greek for a dwarf lion , the chameleon has entered into the realms of metaphor , describing anyone who is prone to changing their opinion .
25 The material is discussed and analysed in order to identify what it is necessary to know in order to solve the problem , and hence manage patient care .
26 It is obvious that the starting position affects what it is realistic to aim for .
27 Each person chooses what he is sceptical about and what he believes without scepticism .
28 I personally do n't get any joy from seeing people reproduce their records exactly on stage ; I want to see something which is special for the night . ’
29 If you tell me what is wrong with your baby I can explain to the doctor . ’
30 Along with Siemens Italia SpA president Giorgio Scanavacca , Italian legal authorities arrested Davide Giacalone , former advisor to Oscar Mammi , former minister of post and telecom , on bribery charges : Giacalone is charged with having accepted $5.3m from Giuseppe Parrella , former managing director of ASST , Azienda Telefonica dello Stato SpA , in the minister 's study ; Giacalone has already told the police that he passed the money on to representatives of the Republican party ; for his part , the former PTT minister declared his innocence : ‘ That I was involved in a history of billion-lire bribes is as unfounded as it is untrue — at whatever moment the magistrates tell me it is necessary to investigate my accounts , I will liberate myself immediately from parliamentary immunity , ’ he said .
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