Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [verb] [Wh det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is not always easy to know who does what at Trinity Road or who to speak to on any requests or queries you may have .
2 If you are contacting SCOTVEC on National Certificate matters , it helps to know who does what in Hanover House .
3 The only way in which it even faintly stirs your brain cells is in causing you to wonder what on earth it 's doing on the stage at Watford .
4 Well , let us see what out team lacks at this stage .
5 Round she went , mouth slightly parted , eyes seeing who knew what in that circle of lights running into a liquid line as the machine quickened ; in the faces , all one blur below her as she was swung out to them and back away from them again ; in the dark caverns of leaves away above in the trees which seemed so distant , so other , lit in strange patches by the wandering spotlights , strange shadows feeling their way over branches as the lighted islands in the gathering dark turned and twirled , swayed , shuddered , slowed and came to rest .
6 Their unhesitating assumption that they contain all life as much as they are contained by it has helped them forge what to our eyes is an almost supernatural intimacy with their forests and creatures .
7 He was most often to be found in that jazz Mecca , Dobell 's Record Shop in Tower Street , where he was happy to reminisce about earlier times and to discuss who played what on the records from his heyday .
8 To help you choose which of Thailand 's exotic delights to explore , we 're even written a Discover Thailand booklet for you to explore first .
9 The main aim of this Prospectus is to help you choose which of the many courses is most suitable for your needs .
10 It 's those powerful , dangerous , unpredictable creatures , people , and how they view the world — which actually is something for animals to worry about : if nothing else , it affects what gets what in the conservation stakes .
11 In this conclusion I shall not attempt to summarize the richness of the patterns which I have identified in the available data , concerning who does what for whom .
12 Moscow authorities are making it quite clear they 'll decide who does what in the city and not the Kremlin .
13 Finding patterns of association among indicators will enable us to determine which among them are the most significant .
14 But we believe we know what at this moment the country wants , and we believe it is for us in our strength to do what no other party can do at this moment and to say that we at any rate stand for peace …
15 She was most amusing , and described how much she had been abused by reviewers and how one man wrote to her asking her to explain what on earth her books were all about , and enclosed a stamped and addressed envelope for her reply — ‘ I used it when I was paying a bill ’ .
16 I thought I wonder what for ?
17 Please could you let me know which of these is convenient .
18 I know who 's done it , I think I know what with and I 'm , I think I know what , where .
19 What do you mean what with ?
20 Know wha do you know what about I remember about that holiday ?
21 says to Jim what if they get through do you know what for Wembley
22 How do you know which of the thousands of children 's books published every year are best for your own , individual children ?
23 On top of that , they have shackled themselves with some of the most inane and restrictive laws imaginable , laws that leave you wondering what on earth they were thinking about .
24 Right and what do we know which of the other sides do we know ?
25 How do they decide which of them is to do the job that month ?
26 Did he mention what for ? ’
27 When a storm of rare violence blew up the mariners , being superstitious folk , cast lots to determine which of those on board was the cause of the evil , and the short straw , broken domino or queen of spades was drawn by Jonah .
28 They liked us to have what in those days was the matric .
29 Where there were several purchasers of the same type of wine , it was impossible to say who owned which of the bottles of wine in the seller 's stock .
30 ‘ It is not possible to say who did what in the ground , ’ said Mr Picton .
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