Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Poor people do n't want a millionaire among them reminding them of some way in which they failed to make it .
2 I must ask those who are more familiar with the sciences to forgive me for any passages where they feel I might be guilty of over simplification .
3 We have heard them for some time ; now we see them , red and white on the green of the plains .
4 An electronic system 's been introduced to alert them to any emergency .
5 An electronic system 's been introduced to alert them to any emergency .
6 ‘ Normally we do n't like people to see them at this stage .
7 According to such a theory , if we , in English , call both our mother 's brother and our father 's brother by the same term — ‘ uncle ’ — it is because these two relatives are , to us , the same ‘ kind ’ of relative , and that probably the fact that we use the one word causes us to see them in that way .
8 My hon. Friend has been to see me about this matter with a group of colleagues .
9 As he was a very busy man , I was grateful that Eliot should have been prepared to see me without any notice at all .
10 I do n't want to see Sarah in that way , and I would n't want her to see me in that kind of light either . ’
11 ‘ And if you are too tired to write you must come to see me in any case , and then I shall know you are safe .
12 The act of the king touching them in this way protects them from the otherwise dangerous consequences of being in contact with the power of the king .
13 Once you have been through the various categories listed above and picked out all the names to be included next step is to arrange them in some sort of order .
14 ‘ But , Terry , surely we hide nothing from each other ? ’
15 ‘ You 're using me as some sort of buffer between yourself and your feelings for Claire .
16 You flatter me by insisting on seeing me as some sort of Casanova figure .
17 They will take approximately a week to reach this stage , so that while any traces remaining in a carpet could give rise to problems , a solid floor can be easily disinfected to kill them before this stage is reached .
18 They did n't want me at this party , but because I AM , fang and claw I have grapple-hooked their smooth cliffs , and have the right to stalk these wooded cliffs , lap at their abundant streams .
19 Without taking hold of me , she forced me to stand in one spot of my own will , while she whipped me on all sides .
20 I take it you book me into that hotel .
21 O God give me the strength to be victorious over myself , for nothing may chain me to this life .
22 Ask yourself the question , ‘ Is it my desire , my greed , my wish to be in control that drives me in this matter , or do I feel the lightness of purpose that is a mark of the guidance from within ? ’
23 Mrs Boswell had packed sheets in her husband 's luggage , and Joseph Ritter laid them on both beds .
24 For example , Hungary , Poland and Romania were inserted into the upper-middle-income group , where their apparent per capita income scores would locate them in any case , whereas Angola , Cuba and North Korea were transplanted from lower-middle-income to nonreporting nonmembers .
25 The gesture revealed nothing of that woman 's essence , one could say rather that the woman revealed to me the charm of a gesture .
26 Later , from South Africa , he wrote to thank me for this advice , but now he reciprocated by telling me , with great gentleness , that I should not go on hoping , as he himself had searched the P.O.W. lists , and Leslie 's name was not on any of them .
27 Israeli children eat these pancakes during Hanukkah in December but you can make them at any time of the year .
28 ‘ There is nothing , ’ she said caustically , ‘ that you could do that would make me in any way feel good . ’
29 England has an excellent crop of young players , but my role as Captain and Selector precludes me from naming them in these pages .
30 ‘ Julius does n't affect me in any way .
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