Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [prep] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He could n't have rushed passed me into the bedroom , seized the bottle as a convenient weapon — he could n't have known it was there , anyway — and then dashed back out to hit me before dragging me … do you see what I 'm saying ? ’
2 Have you forgiven me for calling you ‘ carrots ’ ? ’
3 This can insulate them from considering it in more political terms .
4 " He asked me to met him several times a year , I tried to advise him , to tell him how I saw things in the world . "
5 He rebuked me for liking it .
6 And , however bad their crimes against us were , they always justified them by saying ours were worse .
7 Do n't imagine you can flatter me by telling me I 'm not really a feminist , because I am , and I find your denials extremely insulting . ’
8 She would occasionally reward Thatcherite newspapers , such as the Express , with a gracious , unrevealing interview ; on television , Sir Robin Day and Brian Walden would flatter her by pretending to be tough , and she would flatter them by pretending they were .
9 Pardon me for thinking they were important , pardon me for feeling beautiful and lyrical , pardon me for loving you .
10 Pardon me for thinking they were important , pardon me for feeling beautiful and lyrical , pardon me for loving you .
11 ‘ The Parliamentary system is n't there to give people a say in how the country is run but to delude them into thinking they have some power .
12 Things which , to my mind have been totally illogical — and yet nothing on this earth would have stopped me from doing them . ’
13 ‘ For instance , we can fool someone into thinking it is bedtime when the sun is still shining outside . ’
14 Charles joins me in wishing you a perfect holiday , dearest Theo ,
15 The D G joins me in wishing you every success in your future career .
16 After you 'd totally devastated me by saying you did n't find me remotely attractive , I was left racking my brains to think of a way to change your mind .
17 He tricked me into telling him .
18 ‘ He tricked me into employing him to look after my boats simply in order to gain access to my cousin .
19 And then he likewise tricked me into employing you as her tutor in order that he could continue to divert her from her studies . ’
20 If there 's anything more which is going to ass er ass er assist me in understanding it , er I I I w would certainly find that helpful .
21 I try to encourage them by saying it is my material they are using , which sometimes makes the person more nervous !
22 Resources should be used to equip people to act in their own interests rather than to pauperise them by treating them as dependents .
23 Come kiss me and tell me you forgive me for exposing you to so much danger and distress .
24 Here , ’ he held out his hand to her with a little smile , ‘ take my hand to show you forgive me for alarming you . ’
25 Forgive me for disturbing you , ’ I said , ‘ but it 's urgent .
26 Won t you forgive me for keeping it a secret ? ’
27 Forgive me for keeping you up all night .
28 He found them before putting them through the saw ?
29 Discouraged and exhausted by all the struggles of orthodox opera production Brook abandoned the opera house circuit a long time ago but first with Carmen and now Pelleas he has reached into the heart of operas , purifying them without diminishing them .
30 In fact it was you I think who stopped me from pulling it up , I bought it as a , a stick from Bromley , in Bromley
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