Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [noun] [conj] give " in BNC.

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1 Gooch 's 133 failed to save England but it proved he is back to top form just like Wasim , who said : ‘ I am playing well , enjoying my cricket and giving 100 per cent for Lancashire .
2 I tried to meditate to stimulate my faith but gave up .
3 He read my amusement and gave me a twisted grin .
4 ‘ You mean , if you cut that picture up into four — which would be a distinctly pro-life act if you want my opinion and gave it to four different restorers , they 'd each stop at a different point ? ’
5 The week ended with a number of local companies and colleges opening their doors and giving guided tours of their premises to jobseekers , students and the public .
6 The young black people of Britain who are into black consciousness and cultural awareness are keen to speak Afro-Lingua because it reinforces their awareness and gives them hope where otherwise there would be despair " ( 1986a : 44 – 5 ) .
7 It is important that the whole family can recognise their grief and give each other emotional support .
8 They hope the charter will let patients know their rights and give feedback if the service is not working .
9 Mrs Young , who had paused in her search , finally found her purse and gave me a dollar .
10 He holds his nose and gives an imaginary lavatory chain two tugs .
11 Any plan or project that exercises your mind and gives you food for thought is good for you now .
12 Suppose your neighbour 's tree grows into your garden , obscuring your light and giving you a harmful consumption externality .
13 When you buy something from a shop , you have a contract with the retailer which means that the Sale of Goods Act 1979 covers your purchase and gives you certain statutory rights .
14 She took the hands of those on either side of her , lowered her head and gave a constipated grunt .
15 But he denies harassing Miss Donna Van Den Berghen , 21 , by putting his arm around her , touching her breasts and giving her a bear hug in front of colleagues .
16 The problem is how to preserve its advantages while giving the institutions concerned as much freedom of manoeuvre as possible .
17 Microcomputers also have administrative uses and can prove useful in providing better management information for school librarians ; in keeping records of stock orders and acquisitions ; in providing letters , lists , handouts , plans and reports of high quality in production terms ; in allowing school librarians to publicize their services and give pupils access to electronic noticeboards .
18 Finally she made her choice and gave the reasons for it with the confidence she always brought to her work .
19 They inhabited their silence and gave nothing away .
20 At 3.40 a.m. on Saturday 9th September , David Park joined the trapped men and his presence did much to restore their morale and give them confidence for what was required of them .
21 I ad-libbed for a few minutes while the re-take was set up and they warmed to me , which boosted my confidence and gave me the edge .
22 I ca n't tell anyone , she thought ; people would n't believe me , they 'd just pat my hand and give me tranquillizers .
23 Excuse me , I must lift my cane and give my chaplain a good thwack across the knuckles .
24 So thank you for approaching us , I wish you all the best , I ‘ ll hop off soon and catch my bus And give my brain a rest !
25 As Prince and Starky told their followers to sell their lands and give them the money , in 1849 they were able to set up the Agapemone , the ‘ Abode of Love ’ , on land they had bought in the village of Spaxton , near Charlynch .
26 They want the best for their children and an assurance that the school will improve its perforance and give their children better opportunities .
27 Now in the House of Lords , she has written her biography and given it a title which could well sum up her life , Fighting All The Way .
28 The hosts were a local organisation called the ‘ Disabled of Craigmillar ’ whose aim is to highlight their projects and give help and advice regarding educational opportunities , training or re-training , welfare rights , wheelchair requirements , social activities and — last but not least — integrated sporting and recreational activities .
29 Finally she lifted her head and gave a confident smile .
30 It allows you flexibility while giving the work a strong sense of purpose and direction .
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