Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [noun] [adv] do " in BNC.

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1 I 'll just go and get er oh do you want my crisps now do you ?
2 Might need his wife there to do it , oh right .
3 Ranulf stopped his chatter and when Corbett drew his sword so did his companions as a blatant warning to the dark shapes which lurked in the half-open doorways .
4 It 's a boost , too , to read of support given by friends who are n't surprised and who continually to provide what friends usually do — acceptance and back-up through the difficult times .
5 ‘ If they want our co-operation why did n't they give us prior notice ?
6 Not spelling your position out does have some advantages — it leaves your options slightly more open in the event of future attacks .
7 Warm your hands up do n't you , when you 're cold ?
8 The coincidence between the ordinary predicative and clausal positions is all the more striking in that the inherently restrictive adjectives can not be so used in predicate qualifying position ( where restriction for identification is not appropriate ) ; this is why there is a further contrast between ( 57 ) and ( 59 ) , even though the adjective is one of this inherently restrictive group in both cases , and despite the fact that the property THIRD is certainly compatible in itself with the noun ox : ( 57 ) she considers the Admiral ( to be ) the worst ( e.g. of the village 's gardeners ) ( 58 ) she declared the squire ( to be ) the lazy ( 59 ) the revellers had eaten the ox the third ( 60 ) they ate their steaks well done Example ( 60 ) shows that eat can support predicate qualifiers , so that incompatibility between the verb and the construction can not be given as a reason for the ungrammaticality of ( 59 ) .
9 She advised him that-parents sometimes do know best , and to ensure the best they sometimes have to insist that children do as they say .
10 But Walcott does n't give his characters enough to do , or make us warm to Sonny so that we care whether he stays a tourist toy .
11 And she did not do what hedgehogs usually do when they find themselves in a bit of trouble : curl up in a tight , prickly ball .
12 You cut your teeth there did n't you ?
13 okay , pretend that you 're that building and I want you to describe yourself and and I want the rest of the class to see if they can guess what it is and how long they take it they take to guess okay , and if you think you know what that person is , put your hand up do n't do n't shout out .
14 Of course , you automatically if you 're falling you put your hands out do n't you
15 oh coat , I do n't know , I 've got my key so do n't worry about that
16 Stilettoes do pump your calves up do n't they ?
17 Filing your nails regularly does n't mean you have n't got anything better to do .
18 So tell me Mrs how did you come to with Friends Provident in the first place ?
19 PHIL THOMPSON : ‘ So that mean 's I get my job back does it ? ’
20 Albany has tried to do what Lear disastrously did , divide the kingdom , this time between Kent ( who declines ) and Edgar .
21 If North Korea is looking for a way out of its nuclear predicament , and a way back into the NPT , China could offer to do what America once did for Taiwan : persuade it to give up its nuclear moonlighting , and take charge of any offending materials and bomb bits .
22 But it attempts to do what advertising rarely does .
23 I tell me self just done that , I have n't even boiled the kettle silly me .
24 They know your name then do they ?
25 In the event of you wishing to let your property please do not hesitate to contact us by telephone for further details of our services , at any of the undermentioned offices :
26 Increase the cooking time if you like your lamb well done .
27 Yeah well that do n't help with getting your money though does it ?
28 But you do n't have to be told to put your socks on do you ?
29 Ah yes , the mystic east , flying carpets , romance on all sides , and on the long sandy beach around the translucent waters of the bay at Ortakent you can laze your days away doing little else than looking deep into each other 's eyes .
30 Even as the peaks lost their fire so did the dragons lose theirs .
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