Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Neale was re-elected captain for the 1991 season last November , already equalling the record for longest serving captain .
2 To misquote Sir Winston Churchill : ‘ Never in the field of human conflict did the votes of so many influence the outcome of so few in so much time . ’
3 When Charles returned to Austrasia in the autumn , he met the ambassadors of both Hadrian I and Desiderius at Thionville .
4 The new developments of Morningside and Chelsea in the Antelope area of Sacramento clearly met the demands of today 's buyer in terms of value and quality , but other subdivisions had mixed results .
5 The contents were debated , amended and finalised in a meeting of the home owners and managers to ensure that it met the needs of both participants and employers .
6 The coal and gas industries , which were significantly more labour-intensive , had seen their current costs escalate more rapidly , and lacked the cushion of historically low capital charges .
7 Some of them give a great deal of importance to using weak forms , but do not stress the importance of also knowing when to use the strong forms , something which I feel is very important .
8 Once out of its range , however , he quickly whipped the animal on again and was soon able to announce : ‘ The Barracks coming up .
9 But it was the longbow , with its range of up to 200 metres , its power of penetration which was to compel the development of more effective plate armour in the first half of the fourteenth century , its rate of fire which was easily twice that of the crossbow , and which , held vertically , ( earlier bows and crossbows were held horizontally ) could be aimed more accurately along the line of the bow , which was to give the archer , above all those serving in English armies , so important a role to play in every form of war at this time .
10 My brief is to reorganize the Project along more efficient and profitable lines .
11 At the time of his controversial dismissal from Manchester United , the News Of The World revealed that a team of private detectives , hired by a group of businessmen closely linked to some of the club 's directors , had been pursuing The Doc for nearly two years .
12 In this case , just knead the colour in slightly so that it is unevenly distributed before rolling out — a marbled pattern will result .
13 On the basis of studies of various enterprises , he then adopts a stance which radically de-emphasizes the degree of both rationality and negotiation needed in successful organizations .
14 The primary need of any person or population is water and food and in primitive societies the supply of these commodities will absorb the effort of almost all the workforce .
15 Helen found the aromatherapy massage very relaxing and liked the way the therapist used an infra-red lamp to warm her skin , allowing the oils to really penetrate .
16 And Sadia has also introduced a small controller , allowing the user to accurately set the required temperature range .
17 The removal of administrative and physical barriers after 1992/93 could , in theory , give a substantial boost to economic growth by allowing the development of more natural economic market areas .
18 At the same time new regulations on imports were issued allowing the import of around 40 items , including consumer durables , computers , chemicals , shoes and vegetable and mineral oils , from countries other than India .
19 The opinion poll , carried out by The Northern shows that 15.3pc of the town 's electorate are still unsure how they will vote on Thursday enough to swing the result to either Conservative or Labour .
20 Institutions organised nationally and regionally along sectoral lines hinder the establishment of more appropriate institutions in rural areas .
21 INTERNATIONAL property consultants , Weatherall Green & Smith , and financial and business advisers , Arthur Andersen have completed the valuation of more than 200 petrol filling stations for Benzina , the Czechoslovakian republics 's petrol and diesel retailing monopoly .
22 It can also control both the quantity and quality of fruit by preventing the overproduction of new , sappy growth at the expense of the fruit , and by halting the production of too many fruit buds at the expense of new , healthy growth which will result in poorer fruit and gradually weaken the vine .
23 The food I stain the plate with there reflects the character of the institution : it is simple , but perfectly sustaining .
24 Some countries now list only the less toxic pesticides , but official recommendations have not always stopped the marketing of more hazardous products .
25 Apart from suffering from rather too much background noise to enable the viewer to clearly hear the challenge/response of those parts of the multiplicity of checklist and R/T calls that are included , the standard of photography , in such a confined space with rapidly changing lighting conditions , is surprisingly good .
26 It is best to tape this grid using Scotch Magic Tape to the light box to enable the designer to accurately align components onto a 0.1″ pitch .
27 In a large study of isonazid associated hepatitis , 54% of patients presented after having received the drug for more than two months and several received the drug for more than 12 months before presentation .
28 Kelly Connor had probably received the flowers by now .
29 Cover the pan and simmer the rice for about 20min , until the stock is absorbed .
30 The survey of Rutland not only covers a complete , if miniature , county , but also records the status of virtually every inhabitant in all but three townships ; although the subsidy rolls contribute useful supplementary material we will , for the present purpose , restrict ourselves to the muster book .
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