Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The closer the number of times we felt cold came to equalling the number of times we felt warm , the more inclined we would be to think of the words ‘ warm ’ and ‘ cold ’ as applying to the sensation only indirectly .
2 Otherwise it is n-ary , with the value of ‘ n ’ equalling the number of entities .
3 Any law which directly or indirectly discourages the publication of views from within the criminal justice system must be viewed with suspicion .
4 They influence the education of children in enormously important ways , not just in terms of how many exams they pass , what results they get at O level or C S E , but on important issues such as education for democracy , the kind of climate that schools create for young people is very important in the way they see society and they see their role in it .
5 However , the free flow of funds between national and international money markets ensures that key domestic interest rates influence the cost of funds .
6 We possess no worked example to illustrate how genes control behaviour ; all we can say is that , in abstract terms , proteins influence the development of neurons , and that genes must by this means influence the development of the nervous system .
7 But the identity which a region gives — through collective institutions such as its legal , educational and political systems — can not be provided by individuals alone , through the meanings which they attribute to their lifeworlds : ‘ In this respect the regions contain an explicit collective dimension which has relative independence , being continually reproduced by institutionally embedded power relations that influence the socialization of individuals ’ ( p. 139 ) .
8 Others influence the kind of jobs we can get , how much we 'll be paid , how we behave in public ( and even in private ) and how we spend our time and money .
9 This is not to say , however , that various arguments will not be among the important factors that influence the decisions of scientists .
10 Hormones of the adrenal cortex influence the behaviour of lymphocytes , the white blood cells involved in the development of immunity : the adrenal hormones , and synthetic related substances have been found useful in the control of those leukaemias which are , in effect , tumours of lymphocytes .
11 To what extent does low status influence the work of women teachers ?
12 Widely interpreted , competition policy embraces a great variety of methods by which governments influence the operations of buyers and sellers on all forms of markets .
13 A country like Romania could ‘ considerably influence the course of events ’ .
14 Inadequate capital resources , insufficient euro-currency intermediation profits or worries over loan exposures influence the willingness of banks to accept and lend funds .
15 As Table 8.2 shows , there are many silvicultural techniques that can improve productivity ; all influence the structure of forests and are thus agents of environmental change .
16 The raw material of events is processed ( selected , edited , dramatised , presented ) by the professionals who run the media ; ultimately it is their values which influence the version of events the public receives ( Edwards , 1979 ) .
17 In particular the study will be investigating whether different types of merger ( e.g. horizontal ) influence the distribution of gains and losses between the shareholders of the companies which instigate the merger or takeover and the shareholders of the companies which are taken over .
18 There are many factors , both social and psychological , which influence the roles of teachers and learners in the classroom .
19 They influence the outcome of discussions and persuade others of their point of view more than women do .
20 Other temperamental differences influence the training of dogs .
21 I mean , it is n't as though we have to operate a policy in which we heavily advertise the availability of grants , it , it can develop via word of mouth , if we advertise anything , we would be inundated with demand for to a level that we could n't cope with .
22 Advertise the requirements of clients and contacts who may wish to acquire or sell through the NEWSFLASH system .
23 Notwithstanding attempts to diversify the production of commodities , Vietnam 's state-owned enterprises faced strong competition from private companies after losing their subsidy and monopoly rights .
24 The merchant then met the Queen of Pleasures .
25 What he discovered was that the G cell turned when it met the axons of cells A1 and A2 , whereas C turned and followed two other pioneer cells , P1 and P2 .
26 Snell has been criticized for causing a decline in handwriting by promoting his dull copperplate style , but his practice and teaching of a simpler and standardized mode of handwriting most effectively met the needs of clerks in the growing number of commercial houses .
27 Where ITV met the needs of regions viewed as ‘ minorities , within the nation , the fourth channel should be a national service , but serving social and cultural minorities : blacks , feminists , philosophers , gays , American football fanatics , and
28 ‘ I was all right walking down to the pit until I met the group of supporters then I had to crack . ’
29 The foregoing analysis neglects the effects of firms ' other competitive variables such as product quality , product range and product differentiation .
30 But the common assumption that Pericles ' war strategy meant the total evacuation of Attica neglects the evidence for fortifications in his time , not all of which , surely , were abandoned in 431 ( see further p. 128 ) .
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