Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He leaned closer , his smile teasing , but as their eyes met the smile faded slowly .
2 The study 's conviction that creating the panel met the need to dispel finally the belief that auditors were clients of the company , not he shareholders , was still not shared by the finance officers .
3 The review may be evaluated generally by how effectively and efficiently it met the objectives set out in Document 1 , on the basis of which it had been negotiated .
4 Whilst accepting that ‘ inclination ’ was absent I could not agree that blacks lacked the intellect to do well at school and my work was , in a way , intended to lay bare as false such assumptions .
5 Korda lacked the resources to lure away a significant number of Rank 's key directors .
6 ‘ No , more than that — a man who lacked the guts to face up to his responsibilities .
7 One by one everyone else 's balloon burst but I lacked the courage to blow too hard .
8 Havel dismissed Ivan Gasparovic as Federal Prosecutor on March 2 on the grounds that he lacked the authority to carry out his job .
9 He lacked the self-confidence to do more .
10 By the early fourteenth century Ramon Lull could stress the need to fight not merely for self-glorification but for the common good .
11 It fits the principles set out by Conrad ( 1980 ) in allowing language stimulation by making available a number of forms of code .
12 ‘ There 's a theory that anyone who has witnessed the act depicted here is incurable , ’ said Lydia .
13 It need not be individual life , since in Bilbo 's second version others can take it up and follow it in their turn ; however in Frodo 's and Bilbo 's first version the image of the traveller pursuing the Road looks very like a symbol of the individual pursuing his moment of consciousness down the unknown road which is everyone 's future life , to an end which no one can predict .
14 Your Committee are actively pursuing the proposal to set up a Bishop 's Castle Railway Museum in Bishop 's Castle and have the offer of a suitable building .
15 The directors , who met weekly , acted as a house committee , and the minutes of their meetings show them to have been diligent in pursuing the objectives set out in the preamble to the Act of Parliament which had brought them into existence .
16 As the survey shows in order to ensure survival businesses have realised the need to market cost-effectively ’ .
17 ‘ I had n't realised the news had already reached you .
18 Howell has taken up a job in Aberdeen and feels he may no longer be able to spare the time to travel back to Edinburgh each weekend .
19 The relevant statute empowered the minister to set up such a committee but in this case he refused to do so on the ground that the complaint was unsuitable for investigation because it raised wide issues ; that if the committee upheld the complaint he would be expected to make an order to give effect to the committee 's recommendations ; and that the complaint should be dealt with by the Board rather than by the committee of investigation .
20 The new catchment boards ' first decade of river clearance was followed by the outbreak of war , during which Parliament empowered the boards to carry out even more extensive work at the request of county war agricultural executive committees .
21 While this condition will exist anyway as soon as the clutch has disengaged , there are good reasons for allowing the rotor to rotate freely .
22 He was weeping quietly , allowing the tears to run down his cheeks and drip into the dusty shadows around his feet .
23 It also seems plausible that the glutathione supplements might have protected the erythrocytes against oxidative stress , thus allowing the patient to tolerate up to 60 g ascorbic acid without appreciable haemolysis .
24 When large crowds gathered for an illegal rave last year at Castlemorton Common in Worcestershire , some critics suggested the easy availability of benefits was one factor in allowing the event to drag on for almost a week .
25 When large crowds gathered for an illegal rave last year at Castlemorton Common in Worcestershire , some critics suggested the easy availability of benefits was one factor in allowing the event to drag on for almost a week .
26 Now with diabetes there 's two types , too much sugar and too little sugar now diabetes erm , Irene said to you , erm is controlled by the insulin in the pancreas in the stomach , it throws out this insulin the liver throws out the sugar and I 'm not going into actual detail , but if there is too little insulin then it is allowing the liver to send out too much glucose , so if , if the person has got this erm pancreas that is n't churning out insulin or too little then your person will have sugar diabetes .
27 Put the saucepan into a large bowl of hot water to keep the toffee warm and soft while dipping the apples allowing the excess to drip off .
28 Rime and snow collect on the upper surface , depressing the floes and allowing the sea to flood over , freeze , and strengthen the ice further .
29 The surface of the palladium is better preserved , allowing the deuterium to infuse better ; it is easy to prepare clean solutions ; and if I look you straight in the eye and say ‘ If you think of any nuclear phenomena what would you choose ’ — well , it is obvious is n't it ? ’
30 Where the choice is between a care order or allowing the child to return home the court is often required to balance the risk of physical harm if the child is returned against the equally damaging risk of emotional harm which separation may cause .
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