Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun pl] [that] had " in BNC.

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1 Then we shared the thoughts that had come to us .
2 On his arrival , he had been satisfied to see the defences that had been set up around the hospital , and had every intention of congratulating those responsible .
3 At a meeting in the Kremlin last Saturday , General Vladimir Kryuchkov , head of the KGB and one of the newest members of the politburo , implicitly admitted the lies that had been told about the role of the secret police in Stalin 's repression .
4 So they got in on the scene and I seen young men that was walking the streets that had nowt to do put a football kit on with G M B written across the front turn out and become super human beings , you never seen nowt like it , they were so pleased to associate with like something like that .
5 We re-learnt the lessons that had made us a free , harmonious and prosperous nation in the past .
6 In general , the Fulton Committee 's critique was overdone in that it was attacking a caricature of the service which was never wholly true , and certainly underestimated the changes that had taken place since the late 1950s .
7 For its part , the Academy was soon forced to issue a public statement to counter the rumours that had begun to circulate .
8 Having expressed the main factors about the situation in rich picture form , the analysts than considered viewpoints that were relevant , and the systems that might be developed to explore the issues that had been uncovered .
9 Her thoughts were twirling around and , however much she told herself that all that astrology stuff was nonsense , she could not prevent the doubts that had taken root and now refused to be urged away .
10 The idea of the 1930s as an interruption in the development of latent democratic tendencies , has been the dominant one , and seen in this light , US reforms were based on the need to destroy the weeds that had stunted democratic growth , and provide liberal doses of fertilizer .
11 In practice they overlap : for example , while the inner-city data was still being collected , we were analysing the tape-recordings that had already been obtained .
12 Will the Government confirm that when the former Prime Minister , the right hon. Member for Finchley ( Mrs. Thatcher ) , and President Reagan dispatched the bombers that had the effect of bombing the residential areas of Tripoli and Benghazi in 1986 —
13 But my experience is also , if we 'd bought the books that had been printed neighbours in the first place , no one would have noticed the difference .
14 With her died the chance for Sinead to exorcise the demons that had scarred her childhood and turned her into a rebel whose talent to shock would ultimately overshadow her singing ability .
15 Twelve patients completed the food excluson arm of the study and continued to avoid the foods that had caused symptoms .
16 His orders were to apply the methods that had proved so successful in Vienna to mop up the surviving Jewish influence at the heart of the Reich .
17 The concentration calmed her , soothed the worries that had surfaced on the drive from Belfast to the border .
18 But all addressed the themes that had been crucial in other traditions .
19 To remove the distinction completely would seem to undermine the insights that had given force to Bakhtin 's earlier criticism .
20 She watched the swallows that had begun to fly over the hill in the last of the light ; they skimmed close , almost round her feet .
21 The chosen organisation was a local authority that had participated in earlier developments , but this time the study examined the problems that had arisen in the Highways and the planning departments following the establishment of a common unit providing both with financial , administrative , personnel and computer support .
22 Emily had taken her revenge swiftly , severing the ties that had long been between the Grenfells and the Morgans .
23 The Western church could forget the tensions that had enriched her life while Rome was one among several great sees .
24 They gathered the flowers that had been left as offerings , they blew the floating candles out .
25 He knew the sentences that had been handed down to his associates .
26 Within a month of starting my lessons I was able to stop taking the pain-killers that had become part and parcel of my life .
27 However , the handover of powers brought the institutions that had evolved from the old workhouses into the hands of authorities that could more effectively bring them up to date .
28 They were in effect about to repeat the experiments that had been done , unknown to them , by Tanberg in Sweden 50 years earlier , passing electrical current through a solution of heavy water , splitting it into its constituent oxygen and deuterium .
29 But by the time I 'd got to the summer term the things that had failed had failed and I knew why , and I was n't feeling too inclined to change them particularly at the time because they had n't failed to the point where the class was in chaos .
30 Later redefinition of the goal as ‘ providing transportation ’ removed the blinkers that had prevented them from realizing that cars were made largely in Detroit but had to be received in good condition in every State , and that driving them to their destination was expensive .
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