Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] her at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There had been no problem in having Eve brought up as a Catholic , since the Westwards had never wanted to know about her at all , and did n't care what faith she was raised in just as long as they never had to hear her name .
2 The girl was glued to the spot , terror-struck , pop-eyed , quivering , knowing for certain that the Day of Judgment had come for her at last .
3 I ought to write to her at some point .
4 I do n't know whether you 've come across her at all .
5 There may be no alternative to leave-of-absence or annual leave but the nurse should be given the opportunity to resolve her difficulty by seeking the help of colleagues who may be prepared to substitute for her at short notice .
6 You ca n't , you ca n't speak to her at all !
7 ‘ Annunziata , are you all right ? ’ asked Julia when the question of dinner was settled , relieved to be able to talk to her at last with reasonable fluency .
8 He was n't looking at her at all when he said this .
9 Ruth was looking at her at last with sharp , bright black eyes .
10 The Doctor turned to her at last .
11 I did n't look at her at all , just watched the two loafers .
12 After that , he did n't look at her at all .
13 My grandmother was taken ill with a burst ulcer and an ambulance was called for her at 10.45 , but it did not arrive for two and a half hours .
14 These contained a number of allegations that had never been raised with her at all .
15 Never never heard from her at all since then .
16 She felt the bones give and moved away quickly , coughing now , the smoke getting to her at last .
17 Did you hear from her at all after you left Naples ? ’
18 ‘ Do you hear from her at all ? ’
19 It was a relief when others came , others who took no notice of her but , if they thought of her at all , must think her as seasoned a traveller as they .
20 But whatever she was up to — and it was something — she spent days ticking and marking the party guest list , a thick , creamy piece of paper she kept with her at all times .
21 You will say I ought to have informed you I would not part with the boy in such circumstances as you had taken trouble to describe but until I saw the girl I was not sure in my own mind what to do and only made it up when confronted with her and not taking to her at all .
22 She might even , he suggested , as they went to the stairs , benefit from a quiet winter with her sister to help and think what joy lay ahead with Oreste brought to her at last .
23 He looked at her at that , his eyes almost silvery in the semi-darkness .
24 For a long time after she had died , she had n't been able to think about her at all , it had been so awful , but now she could .
25 In the past , he had only ever spoken well of his mother , when he spoke of her at all .
26 Sometimes she wished Will would not write to her at all , if he would send no messages to Daniel .
27 And she realized that the anger had not been directed at her at all .
28 Irene Pitt had her lunch with Christopher , saw that he was deeply preoccupied with his election chances , not thinking about her at all , and wondered if she was going to enjoy being married to a politician .
29 Stifling the pang of uncivilised jealousy that shot through her at that thought , Folly eased herself into the driver 's seat and slammed the door .
30 After this she began to hear strange sounds and melodies ‘ that she could not well hear what a man said to her at that time , unless he spoke the louder .
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