Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] if it have " in BNC.

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1 But if the child is never born alive , things will remain as if it had never existed .
2 For Jane , that slice of life evaporated as if it had never existed .
3 The position of the litigant who wrongly brings a case under Order 53 is different because Ord. 53 r. 9(5) may allow the case to continue as if it had been started by ordinary writ procedure .
4 The effect of a decree of nullity , broadly speaking , is that the marriage is treated as if it had never existed .
5 In the event of your death before the date of maturity your TESSA will be treated as if it had matured at the date of death and gross interest will be paid up to and including that date .
6 This means that a premium paid during a tax year is treated as if it had been paid during the previous tax year ; or the tax year before that , if there were no relevant earnings in the previous year .
7 The first is where it is set aside , in which case it is treated as if it had never existed .
8 In the group accounts , the subsidiary undertaking is treated as if it had always been a member of the group .
9 An action purporting to have been commenced against a person who is dead at its commencement is treated as if it had been commenced against his estate , whether or not a grant of representation had been issued at its commencement ( Ord 5 , r 8(3) ) .
10 And reciprocally , if memory formation requires the synthesis of proteins for the construction of synapses , then if one could stop the proteins from being synthesized around the time of learning then the memory should not be formed ; an animal trained on a task and prevented from synthesizing proteins should behave as if it has no memory for the task — is amnesic — when it is subsequently asked to perform it .
11 The line to be edited is now in the input buffer and may be edited as if it had just been typed in .
12 It was dark with age and looked as if it had been coated with treacle .
13 At last the restoration was completed and R5868 looked as if it had just come off the production line , a fine tribute to F/L Peaple and his team .
14 The corpse looked as if it had been attacked by dagger-billed birds .
15 The furniture , too , looked as if it had been gradually acquired over the years ; gifts , rejects , the unregarded remnants of long-forgotten jumble sales .
16 The house in California — it was in the Bel Air district of Los Angeles , I think — looked as if it had been flung by a giant hand against the side of a hill and had stuck .
17 His face had gone very red and looked as if it had been sprayed with water .
18 The Dome itself , designed by Ralph Tubbs , looked as if it had descended from Mars .
19 The miniature stainless-steel kitchenette looked as if it had never been cooked in .
20 From what Wayne had been able to see of her left eye , it had looked as if it had a couple of drops of blood in it .
21 The gallery itself looked as if it had been carved by some giant sculptor , minute details in the stonework wrought by caring as well as skilful hands .
22 The room was deserted and desolate : the arctic blue bubble of the drinking water machine looked as if it had turned to ice , two desk lights burned pointlessly above unoccupied desks and the rubbish bins were still brimming with polystyrene cups and waste paper .
23 The office looked as if it had fallen under the same spell of passing time as Dexter , and been unoccupied for weeks rather than hours — the motes of dust , the grime of London gently settling on files , videotapes and yellowing newspapers .
24 She was a strange , skinny woman always dressed in dark clothes , and her face looked as if it had never seen the sun .
25 The room looked as if it had been torn apart .
26 The open sewer in the high street looked as if it had never been cleaned and at times we squelched ankle deep in human excrement .
27 Young lads gather round the car which looks as if it had been dead for days or weeks .
28 The door is locked and the windows are covered with grime ; in the silence the whole place looks as if it has not been occupied for several weeks .
29 The show is hip and happening , dude : the audience looks as if it has just walked in off the King 's Road , the post-modernish set is ultra-cool , the show 's titles are dazzling , the best I 've seen on British television .
30 A number of issues are raised in the paper , but one of the companies which has been at the receiving end and has been canvassed for views , says : ‘ Part of the document looks as if it has been drafted by British Gas . ’
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