Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] us at the " in BNC.

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1 It means living with the perspective that we are in touch with the Lord Whose Son died so that we might enjoy the sort of life that He planned for us at the beginning of Genesis , and living with that perspective and privilege .
2 We warmed our hands as though a sudden chill had come upon us at the mention of his name .
3 ‘ One tea , ’ says Ida , appearing beside us at the table , ‘ with eggs , tomatoes , chips and beans . ’
4 BR could have come to us at the outset and said , ’ King 's Cross has to be the location for a whole series of railway reasons , but let us talk about how best to ensure that the building of the station has minimal impact on local people and their lives . ’
5 My maternal grandmother was living with us at the time , it having been decided that her flat in Highgate should be closed down for the duration of the war , and she circulated between the homes of her son and three daughters so that she could be looked after .
6 perhaps , you 'd speak to us at the next council meeting , then .
7 Financially , and for security , the English scene has a bit more going for us at the moment .
8 But after the marriage and the party , when it was time , the brougham was already waiting for us at the front door , I could n't bear to leave .
9 As the years have passed , he 's started waiting for us at the door on visitors ' days .
10 Late in the morning Valeria suggested we should all go down and have breakfast , and as we came down the staircase we saw to our horror that her mother was waiting for us at the bottom .
11 ‘ Sophia will be waiting for us at the vicarage , ’ said Mrs Grandison .
12 The steward was waiting for us at the foot of the steps .
13 After that , we drove to the Ming Tombs close by , and stopped to have an enormous picnic which they had packed for us at the Friendship Hotel .
14 From Jibuti my father crossed to Aden and then went to Cairo to confer with Sir Reginald Wingate , the High Commissioner , while we went to Berbera to stay with Geoffrey Archer , the Commissioner in British Somaliland ; he and his wife had stayed with us at the Legation for Zauditu 's coronation in February .
15 After we had been at school for about three years Arnold Hodson , who had been Consul in Southern Abyssinia , was staying with us at the beginning of the holidays .
16 A taxi-cab stopped alongside us at the traffic lights .
17 To combat this recurrent worry , they had long since introduced random underpant inspections which could be sprung on us at the most absurd moment .
18 On the very Sunday that the new church opened we looked in vain for the empty seats in St Luke 's : it seemed that God had given to us at the mother church a new group of people who had either moved into the area or who were to be converted and we saw the truth of the saying : ‘ Give and it will be given to you , pressed down and running over . ’
19 But in a reply to a letter from prospective Stockton South Labour MP John Scott , a senior ambulance officer says : ‘ The account was submitted not to the patient but to a relative whose name and address were given to us at the time of the booking .
20 And if so , why had he paid those two to watch for us at the airport ?
21 It was like climbing a waterfall , but there was a warder at the top , clinging to a railing and yelling to us at the top of his voice to hurry — as if we needed such encouragement .
22 On Friday 4th March we all went out of Peking by bus to spend a morning at a commune — part of the ‘ Open-Door Schooling ’ policy , the idea being that by interpreting for us at the commune , and by collecting information etc. , the students could improve their English , and also devise suitable English-teaching materials based on commune life .
23 When he finally arrived in Calcutta he was not of course allowed to stay with us at the Sisters , which puzzled you children , but he stayed with the Oxford Mission Fathers and came over every day to see us , until a kindly businessman heard about us and took us along to his palatial house until we could decide what next to do .
24 There should be a car waitin' fur us at the airport when we get in to Lima .
25 He was waitin' fur us at the airport , a mean-faced little mestizo dressed in a pale blue suit .
26 This is not a book about the experience of watching them , a collection of weird scenes inside the cinema : ‘ We were chewing the fat , telling stories about peculiar things that had happened to us at the cinema , trying to top each other .
27 They have come to their agreement , they have done their job well , and they have produced and excellent education system and the blip which he is talking about is one which is forced on us at the present time by a Conservative Government , who has decided that there is going to be no further expansion in the school service which we 're providing , and indeed is imposing upon us cuts which are going to mean that we reduce those services , and to argue that from a point of view that it 's a considered piece of policy from a Government which if I has introduced , if I may say , Poll Tax , an economy which is a disaster area , exports in nothing happening there , inflation
28 You can do things for yourself in the way of diet , exercise , good lifestyle , not smoking and so on but , a lot of women will need hormone replacement therapy just to replace the hormones that dear old mother nature stop supplying to us at the menopause .
29 If anyone would like to share their story with other readers , whether it 's happy , sad , amusing or just a bit out of the ordinary , then please write to us at the usual address .
30 And I must say between us at the moment there was n't a strong feeling what it 's all about .
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