Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] it be that " in BNC.

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1 Oh well we had no feelings about it because I really was n't an Old Harlow person , nor was my husband and all that we could think about it was that it would be very good for the area , it would erm , bring work and employment and everything like that , but of course Old Harlow people were very , you know , a lot of them were very against it and yet , in the end , the Harlow High Street shops was , made a fortune in those first few years , you know , when there was nothing else and the , the Old Harlow High Street was n't of course paved over in those days , anything like that and it , it was a narrow , narrow high street , it was almost like taking your life in your hands walking down there because there were crowds of people obviously with all this influx of community and they er the main Chelmsford road used to come up through there , so it was a , a hell , sort of a traffic hazard really .
2 What I say about it is that if they are put off they should phone the police .
3 The most that can be claimed for it is that it is ingenious .
4 For our purposes , what matters about it is that it is an all-or-none signal , with an amplitude that does not attenuate as it travels along the axon .
5 The notion which lies behind it is that where there is a moral duty to speak out , speakers should not hold their tongues for fear of writs .
6 Nevertheless , perhaps the most startling statistic contained in it was that some one-third of the rail route mileage carried only about 1 per cent of the freight and passenger traffic , while one-half of the route mileage accounted for only 4 to 5 per cent of total traffic .
7 The rush took me completely by surprise , and I think what contributed to it was that a lot of industry had closed down early , schools were closed , and many people had taken extended holiday .
8 The first thing to be said about it is that , whatever background you choose , it must mesh in well with the murder plot .
9 After all , one way of looking at it is that the job of the community worker is no different in kind from that of a revolutionary cadre .
10 Another way of looking at it was that the basic form was a large lozenge consisting of a red hexagonal core surrounded by six brown triangular tips , or again , diagonal strips of ret hexagons kept in place by pairs of triangular brown wedges .
11 What he 's , I bet what he does n't like about it is that you 're not running back to him saying look Simon come back to me I need you and it
12 What does emerge from it is that Norris 's way of reading Derrida is likely to make considerable demands on the reader .
13 The point is that the inference which you give to it is that they 're not quite fit to be Governors , by comparison with others , and I 'd like to defend that because I can assure you that I have never ever nominated a Governor for a school who I have not thought would be advantageous to that Board of Governors to have as a member and that he will be he or she will be a contributor to that particular school , and I 've done it time and time and time again and indeed on occasions have had headmasters coming to me and thanking me for the particular person that I put in .
14 The way I look at it is that if I was scoring goals for Juventus we might be conceding more at the other end because I have other responsibilities now . ’
15 One argument sometimes raised against it is that it would lead to plea-bargaining , and thus to offenders escaping with lesser convictions and lesser sentences .
16 Now it was there that we became separated , I developed a very bad throat and could not fly , just before we were ready to leave for overseas as in his crew and the other crews that were there went on whereas I got held back and of course the way I feel about it is that that week that I got held back , saved my life .
17 The only way we can actually go about it is that if we use these cramps and if you remember me telling you , or I do hint every now and then , make sure you keep the cramps straight parallel to the rails , and that 's the reason why because it 'll fall straight , now if something 's in twist and we want to bring it back again , what you do is if it 's in twist that way , you put the cramp as I 've done these slightly up
18 The first reason to dispense with it is that the nation state itself is an expensive fiction , particularly in terms of its loss of human life .
19 What I liked about it was that though it was biting sarcasm , the way he spoke it gave you the impression not of a man who was bitter in any way , but of a man who pitied the members of the government for being so rotten and pitied us for being governed by such scum .
20 The simplest way to choose is to think of it is that God is the incarnation Christ is the incarnation of God .
21 About the only thing you would n't be able to say about it is that it ‘ washes whiter ’ .
22 The crucial point to notice about it is that the entities whose ‘ fitnesses ’ are being compared are no longer individual organisms , but populations of organisms .
23 I do n't think the script 's up to scratch , and the whole thing 's underbudgeted , but one thing I will say for it is that it 's ABOUT something .
24 What is striking about it is that he is the first Anglo-Saxon king known to have abdicated to go to Rome and that he went to Rome not as a baptized Christian but to seek baptism .
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