Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] we for the " in BNC.

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1 Jane had come to us for the time being .
2 And Jesus does n't just chat to us for the sake of chatting to us , he , when he speaks to us his words have authority , they have input , they are vital and we must pay attention to them .
3 Johnny Miller played with us for the last two days .
4 The station was offered to us for the sum of £20,000 , but when we asked for a private valuation in the hope of securing a loan to purchase the site , the valuer valued the site at only £10,000 .
5 As it seems that the ancient and archaic NDB is to remain with us for the foreseeable future , this might be a good time to take a closer look at its failings as an aid to navigation ?
6 There is still much to be done but the more we ‘ get it right first time ’ the more confidence our customers will have to remain with us for the long term future .
7 Comrade Wu , our guide who is coming with us for the rest of the tour , is teaching us some Chinese in the evenings , and we are trying out some new phrases every day and causing them some amusement .
8 I got back to Ingard House a bit after four o'clock , and went up to rooms 207–8 , the offices allotted to us for the purposes of our audit .
9 You will also find a splendid array of fine performers who are coming to us for the first time — many surely due to be favourites of the future .
10 We 'll be previewing the new speedway season , there 's a look at the greyhound news and a round up of all the local leagues , so stay with us for the next hour .
11 We had sergeants and inspectors jumping on us for the least little thing and very often trying to get us into trouble , whereas young fellows learning the job , what we needed was assistance .
12 Les left the party for what he calls ‘ the superior ideology of Moral Re-Armament , ’ and has worked with us for the past sixteen years .
13 Things from childhood live with us for the rest of our lives .
14 ‘ We need the supporters and all I ask is for them to stay with us for the 90 minutes . ’
15 Nobody 's gon na come to us for the lease of erm William the fourth or anything like this !
16 He 's a very contented baby , a joy to his parents and big sister , and today at nine weeks old ( 40+3 ) , he smiled at us for the first time .
17 If they used the money that they take from us for the maintenance of the camp we would live like kings .
18 Fine weather stayed with us for the remainder of our passage down the East coast .
19 Will my hon. Friend confirm that , if the Government were to introduce proposals to toughen up sentencing policy — to impose stiffer sentences — we could look forward to Opposition Members agreeing with us for the first time ?
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