Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] this be that " in BNC.

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1 One reason given for this is that a distinction is created within the Treaty between those matters ( under Titles II , III and IV ) which , as amendments to the Treaty of Rome , are changes to the law of the land , and those aspects ( Titles I , V , VI and VII ) which concern the new entity of the European Union and are the subject of intergovernmental agreement and which do not therefore in a strict sense affect British law ( the stated reason why only Titles II , III and IV are subject to parliamentary ratification ) .
2 The reason given for this is that the costs of installing and maintaining an accounting information system that computes individual cost centre rates is complex and expensive .
3 The two main reasons given for this were that it was too ambitious and it was too far removed from bureaux experience until too late in its development .
4 The principle we can distil from this is that thoughts precede actions .
5 What results from this is that we might be led to think that the problem with defining God is that there is a whole range of ideas about the divine being that tend to produce no very clear overall picture .
6 One argument advanced for this is that it makes no sense to include mortality data in a formula for resource allocation as dead people make no use of health services .
7 The principal justification offered for this is that it triggers discussion between the police and organisers , and prevents demonstrators from springing surprises on the police .
8 The only reason I can suggest for this is that they may have ‘ member get member fatigue ’ ; ie it has been used very often in the past and now sees diminishing returns .
9 The message I draw from this is that the gay movement is not ultimately about the liberation of any particular sexuality but actually about the liberation of a whole set of relationships ; an affirmation of relationships which are sexual or non-sexual , relationships through which sexuality can be realized or transformed or denied or changed or just lived .
10 One inference we can draw from this is that , setting aside the question of his academic commitment , his public speaking ability appears more impressive than his informal conversational ability .
11 One deduction we might draw from this is that the examples of Anderson 's modesty noted above , when seen in the context of his more pompous utterances and these attempts to preserve his academic credibility , are more likely to be viewed simply as superficial politeness strategies than as being genuinely meant .
12 The conclusion Sampson draws from this is that it is extremely difficult to determine the boundary between what is grammatical and ungrammatical if such a high proportion of grammatical expansions are very rare .
13 What we should note from this is that the 10 per cent prevalence figure , which received considerable publicity during the Cleveland scandal and subsequently , includes a wide range of abuse apart from sexual intercourse .
14 The conclusion derived from this is that if an object is such that in principle it can not be referred to directly and unequivocally with a simple symbol , only described , then it can not qualify as a fundamental ontological existent .
15 How we stumbled on this was that when we grew some of these algae at Plymouth with our colleagues there , we found that when we grew them at one temperature then these two molecules were present in a certain ratio but when we changed the water temperature then the er ratio changed .
16 The reason that this question is seldom , if ever , posed like this is that the answer seems to be self-evident .
17 The explanation which Hall later gave for this was that although the War Department competition was dead , he was seeking official approval for the principle that , for all important government buildings in London , ‘ a competition , limited or otherwise , should take place , instead of the work being committed , as a matter of course to an officer of the establishment ’ .
18 The reason she gave for this was that she felt that experiencing repeated failure was bad for pupils .
19 The penalty one pays for this is that you never really get to learn and understand the basics behind simple design .
20 The main points arising from this are that : ( 1 ) the vowel system is totally different from mainstream British English in terms of vowel-length , vowel-height , diphthongization and other properties ( for example , vowel-length is not usually contrastive , as it is alleged to be in RP , and so most vowel-phonemes , such as /e/ , as in gate , save , are realized as considerably longer or shorter allophones according to consonantal environment ) ; ( 2 ) allophones of phonemes can overlap phonetically with allophones of other phonemes in a manner that is not permitted by classical phoneme theory ( Bloomfield , 1933 ) ; ( 3 ) lexical items do not necessarily belong to the same vowel phoneme classes as they do in RP and SBE ( for example , whereas good and food have different vowels in most SBE , they have the same vowel in Ulster English ) ; and ( 4 ) many sets of lexical items exhibit vowel alternations , in that the vowels in these items are realizations of two different phonemes .
21 What is meant by this is that people begin to come to terms with what has happened .
22 What he means by this is that he wants to see the thing in loan committee , damn the company 's leverage , and damn the balance-of-payments problems in the Philippines , period .
23 A further suggestion that flows from this is that such evolutionary considerations lend support to a competing grammatical paradigm — that of Montague grammar .
24 What we mean by this is that when the pupils feel themselves put down , treated without ‘ seriousness ’ , they behave in such a way as to restore themselves to the status of mature beings .
25 What we mean by this is that the lexical sub-system we use for recognising printed words in reading may be different from the sub-system we use for producing printed words in writing .
26 The reason suggested for this is that these girls feel that they should be able to cope with their pregnancy and problems on their own instead of sharing them within the unit , as most other girls do .
27 THE FIRST thing you notice about this is that the CD package is upside down .
28 THE FIRST thing you notice about this is that the CD package is upside down .
29 The kindest thing one can say of this is that , one day , we may come round to liking it .
30 The problem that the Tories have with this is that they still appear on the unemployment figures .
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