Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] he [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He walked back over the warm , moonlit meadows and paused before the inn , but held on to this resolution , the righteousness firing through him like brandy .
2 Suddenly a coughing fit seized him and a stab of agony lanced through him from back to front .
3 I shall only be able to weep for him at night , after Enid has fallen asleep .
4 Here at Whaddon I have allowed his talent to blossom and I would not be surprised to see the League big boys sniffing after him before Christmas , and Darren to be a regular in Barnet reserves by the end of the season .
5 She promises to come for him at noon .
6 Since Alford was described on the ballot paper merely as ‘ The Labour Candidate ’ , it would not be surprising if quite a few voters were confused , and voted for him by mistake .
7 Do not wait for him to hand you the technique ; you know what the title of the sub-topic is .
8 His only source of superiority is that Frye fagged for him at school .
9 His wife cares for him at home but this is very demanding and she finds that she needs regular breaks .
10 The gleam of insulating oil shone bright on the prominences of his face , dimming and brightening again as she moved past him to hunker down at his side .
11 He begins his account at the point where he is considering handing in his resignation and has invited his friends , the generals von Roon and von Moltke , to dine with him in order to discuss the situation .
12 The performer , like the giver , identifies with Jesus ' call to his disciples to work with him in service .
13 The President appealed to his compatriots to stand with him in support of the war , declaring that its cost in lives " is beyond our power to measure , but the cost of closing our eyes to aggression is beyond mankind 's power to imagine " .
14 She saw that Stein exuded confidence ; it dripped from him like honey .
15 In a letter from Tangier to Ken in London — Orton was known to write to him on toilet paper — he told Williams that ‘ Bill and Mike ’ kept Ken 's picture on the bar for several days until replaced by a half-empty Chianti bottle .
16 Rather more interesting , however , to Julia than either Ian 's or Canon Wheeler 's vision for the Church was the very puzzling question of why , when he invariably summoned his subordinates to come to him by phone , Wheeler had today put himself to the trouble of walking up a back staircase to the servants ' quarters ?
17 He could have taken the isolation better if it was n't for the batteries in his radio dying on him without warning ; usually they faded over a couple of nights but this time it was just zonk , no signal .
18 ‘ Because he senses that she looks on him with disdain , ’ Lucy informed him .
19 Whatever people say to him in confidence and whatever they may say in twos or threes , if he had been here when the issue was raised on the Floor of the House only a week or so ago he would have realised — indeed he was here so he should have realised this instantly — that the leaders of the groups might come to an —
20 Letters to the Editor should be addressed to him at Convocation Office on the understanding that they may be edited .
21 Letters to the Editor should be addressed to him at Convocation Office on the understanding that they may be edited .
22 He handed it across to the Colonel who noticed with some satisfaction that it was addressed to him by name and not merely as commanding officer .
23 When the boy rose at him on foot , none too steadily but with grim gallantry , and dripping blood from the finger-ends of his mail gauntlet , Owen vaulted promptly out of the saddle to match him , and waved off his companions , who would have borne the young man down by sheer weight .
24 She yowled at him in complaint .
25 Paul looks at him in surprise : ‘ Why , that 's the Eiffel Tower ! ’
26 The thin , capable woman who was taking the riding-class looked at him in amazement as he leaned panting on the gate to the ring , the dog whining beside him .
27 I shall always think of him with admiration . ’
28 If they had important people like er such as Mark and his wife , the pianist , erm you 've heard of him of course .
29 He had supported them all their lives and what had they ever done for him except wait for him to die ?
30 Like any actor who has to play many different parts , all Reagan wanted were a few good lines written for him on cue cards that he could quote without having to tax his own abilities .
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