Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] it [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Well , making his room fit to live in was just possibly a better way to go about it than writing him twelve-page letters , as dearest Tessa might in time come to realize .
2 The window had cost Yanto a lot of money , until the girl 's father heard about it and reimbursed him .
3 The dynamic effect of the Union 's work mobilized the communities directly affected , while many more communities heard about it and wished to participate .
4 Do not make for it but bear half right aiming just to right of nearest bushes .
5 I think that 's an extremely good point actually , because of course , when one thinks about it and looks at it , there are many many things which are happening in today 's world which are disasters .
6 She was sitting on the bed with her album — that sparsely-peopled record of whatever it was that she 'd left behind and she was n't leafing through it but hugging it close , as if it was a physical source of comfort to her when times were at their lowest .
7 What sort of misguided speech was that ? were they dance about it or trim here , what they 're saying very simply and this is relevant to the people who are listening to us today , is that they are not prepared to restore the cuts made by the government which they have got elected .
8 A rat gnawed a hole in the box and water leaked through it and injured A's goods .
9 Most people who have testicular cancer and who are treated for it and cured go on to lead perfectly active normal lives as far as having children is concerned .
10 Zoe goes for it and plucks up some courage while Leonard asserts himself and makes a decision .
11 I did think about it and asked to see him again , and once again he visited me with Patrick Nairne .
12 because at that meeting you can imagine that twenty people gathering then you end up not really making any decisions , far too many people , there was a lot discussed and aired and it concerns expressed and it was a case , and I 'm going from recollection here , it was really a case of let's go away and think about it and calm down and look at it rationally
13 We 'll think about it and say ooh oh you have this do n't you ?
14 Well , the immunologist from the clinic went in and evaluated Ron and basically told him that he had … that he was not going to live more than the most a few weeks , and he could have control over the time of his death if he wished , and that was his decision to make , and he should think about it and talk it over with me .
15 He would think about it and understand and he would come after her …
16 Feel vibration from your own voice through the vibrator ; do n't think about it or analyse how it happens — just let it happen .
17 But er , know I , I do n't think I ever heard anybody think about it or say anything about a , an air raid like , you know .
18 We argued for it and voted in favour of it in 1987 and in 1988 .
19 She read about it and saw it on television .
20 A year I had all the symptoms and I went and got a book and read about it and tried to find out as much possible about it and the book scared me silly because it told me all these things that could happen
21 Like , they do n't need it any more , so they 've forgotten about it and do n't understand it any longer .
22 5.2.2 VAT ( or any tax of a similar nature that may be substituted for it or levied in addition to it ) chargeable in respect of any payment made by the Tenant under any of the terms of or in connection with this Lease or in respect of any payment made by the Landlord where the Tenant agrees in this Lease to reimburse the Landlord for such payment The tenant should insure that there is excluded from the tenant 's liability any taxes properly payable by the landlord both in respect of rents received and the landlord 's dealings with the reversionary interest .
23 I should not wish the young King to know about it or see , for he would not find it to his liking ; but I fear , so white is the stone , that he can not fail to see it from Mathefelon .
24 Oh , admittedly the novels are n't available there , but people got to know about it and wondered how she had the nerve to reveal it .
25 When you 've drawn the first one , just put it back in the first bag and forget about it and go on .
26 During the week he come back asking me if I forget about it and withdraw my notice but stubborn as I was I refused .
27 I can er either buy one in Asda or somewhere or forget about it and have a fresh tree .
28 there was n't really There was n't really a great deal of er sort of stuff here but it was more about sort of language and shifts so I had to like shift through it and find the bits
29 But we were able to work through it and come out the other side .
30 And in fact , if the argument above is sound , to conceive of a knee other than yours hurting in the way in which yours hurts is to conceive of it as hurting you .
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