Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] and [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He 's tremendous to work with and will get better and better . ’
2 The standard will reportedly provide a standard set of techniques for independent software vendors to write to and should allow users to get Unix applications up and running from an install icon within a variety of graphical environments without the need to go back down to the shell , be they native or guest implementations .
3 The most important general piece of advice on examinations is that every question in the paper that the student is expected to and can answer should be answered .
4 4.1 acknowledges that all rights ( including but not limited to the copyright and other intellectual property rights ) in the Licensed Software which are owned by and shall remain the property of and and shall not during or at any time after the expiry or termination of this Agreement in any way question or dispute the ownership or any other such rights of and .
5 Yet they certainly yearned for and must get something out of it .
6 At least we know who to talk to and can ascertain why they 've got him . ’
7 I think that they are likely to give a better idea of what the finished advertisement will look like and can do a better job of communicating the necessary commitment to their way of presenting the product than can the account executive .
8 Existing partners may soon find the new strains too great to cope with and may choose to leave to avoid ‘ burn out . ’
9 Each of these future estates , though it gave no present right to possession or enjoyment , was treated as something already in existence , which could be disposed of and would descend ( so far as it is inheritable ) just like a present estate .
10 The central cable is a good one to start with and will lift a plain stocking stitch sweater but with little effort you can work two small cables to the left and right of centre and make the pattern even more interesting , especially for a ‘ V ’ neck sweater .
11 He would speak when spoken to and would answer any questions we had , but would then drift off into some sort of reverie , usually with his blindfold down , sometimes talking to himself .
12 Satisfactory explanations for these reductions in mortality from circulatory diseases have not yet been arrived at and may reflect a change in the disease , improved medical care or changes in lifestyle habits .
13 The complementary combination may well be more creative eventually , but more difficult to handle in the process of communication and working out how much space a couple ask of and can offer to each other .
14 If he does n't you stand warned of the type of person you are dealing with and should act accordingly .
15 Cathy Massiter made it very clear in her television interview that MI5 and Special Branch alone decide who merits a dossier and which group they belong to and can open a file on any person or group of people or organisation they please , put into it anything they like , be it only gossip or hearsay , and once opened the file remains there indefinitely .
16 Parents know what their children are longing for and will give them what they want , even if every piggy bank in the house has to be broken open .
17 I knew she had no morals to speak of and would go out with anyone who had the price of a couple of drinks on him and was n't too fussy about where he spent the night , and I thought these facts would surely be obvious to any casual passer-by .
18 Wendy managed to get a job as a receptionist in a dental surgery to begin with and will keep applying for one of the hygienist training courses .
19 There is also evidence , as we have mentioned before and shall see in the next chapter , of the extensive use of air sacs in sauropods as cooling devices and for reducing mass .
20 The next step is to take a pen and put a tick against any item that you feel is absolutely fine , could not be improved upon and should continue as a major part of any healthy diet .
21 On some occasions family members will attempt to sabotage treatment saying that the primary sufferer is being brainwashed , ought to be at home , ought to learn to hold his or her alcohol like everybody else and ought to do all manner of things that have failed before and will fail again to help addictive disease .
22 I was truly disconcerted myself to have acquired so violent an enemy without meaning to and could see no resolution short of full retreat ; and the trouble was that since that morning 's schooling , any inclination to retreat had totally vanished .
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