Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] be too [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although these characters have been criticized for being too emblematic , they arguably symbolise America 's divided attitude towards the war .
2 More seriously , the proposed authorities were criticized for being too large and too remote .
3 I can not understand why our pigs were criticized for being too fat because the meat was so sweet and tender , almost like chicken .
4 The trouble was that the things he wanted to write about were too big to fit into the exercise book .
5 He was blamed for being too lax a disciplinarian , and indeed for the defeat on the snap ‘ cordite ’ vote on 21 June 1895 which saw the government resign .
6 You wo n't need to be too mobile just yet . ’
7 They do not need to be too smart ; in fact , it is better if they do look rapidly produced , in response to an immediate threat .
8 The ultimate holding company function will highlight related companies within groups and identify companies which , while they appear to be too small to do the deal , may be able to do so with the support of their holding company .
9 Investments that appear to be too good to be true often are .
10 If Les Negresses Vertes tend to jostle on the stage like animals being herded down a narrow street , it is partly because there are so many of them ( 11 , when all the strays are rounded up ) , but also because , even as the show begins , several key members appear to be too drunk to be capable of motion in a straight line .
11 This is the second year in a row that the Opposition leader has claimed to be too busy to talk to the boisterous crew .
12 So it 's not necessarily that one has to be too critical of all the individual items in the way that some people have .
13 The ‘ taste and decency ’ clauses of the BBC and ITA charters are considered to be too weak by the moral tendency of the Conservative Party .
14 She eventually died after 65 weeks of successful treatment , with severe cachexia and large bowel obstruction. at the end , her general condition was considered to be too poor to justify a defunctioning colostomy .
15 Often the volume of references and information produced by online services is considered to be too great and this ‘ sea of information ’ is confusing to the user .
16 The risk of ethnic conflict in Bosnia-Hercegovina was considered to be too great for that republic to qualify for EC recognition .
17 This is due to the very limited life time of the adsorbent in this situation and the cost of its replacement is considered to be too high .
18 They were interested , but their fees were considered to be too high .
19 This was bought-in at £6 million at Christie 's on 15 April , largely because the estimate was considered to be too high for what one expert commented was ‘ an early , dark , Leyden-period picture , which is at variance with what people want and expect in Rembrandt .
20 Also the Transport Authority was expressly empowered to require the Executive to provide a service at a cost the Executive considered to be too high , so long as the Transport Authority provided the necessary additional cost .
21 It appears that changes in the card catalogues were considered to be too difficult and costly to implement .
22 The problem is that Taurus tried to be too nice to everyone and did n't tread too hard on the banks ’ toes . ’
23 The risks involved in displeasing the company were deemed to be too great .
24 It was then necessary to determine the ’ neighbourhood size ’ around each word , i.e. the limit beyond which words are deemed to be too far apart to be considered as neighbours .
25 These arguments have been used to justify the continued operation of branch railway lines and low productivity coal pits , where the costs of closure to the local economy were deemed to be too high , even if the operations themselves were unviable .
26 Thrifts were banned by law from investing in equities which were deemed to be too risky .
27 Insiders in the Cope camp claim that the 34-year-old singer was deemed to be too old and uncommercial by Island .
28 Anyone frightened of being too sick in public can send me email : - )
29 As his judgement suffered in his calmer moments from overconfidence , so in his energetic ones it suffered from being too headlong .
30 Lyall 's more obliquely modernist approach to harmony was less readily integrated , while the piano suffered from being too low in the sound-mix .
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