Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] be in that " in BNC.

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1 Well we did at the beginning , cos he said apologizing for being in that position
2 I want to be in that room soon and I shall need the table . ’
3 It certainly needs to be in that term .
4 But the transformation was quite extraordinary over the festive season , and the team deserved to be in that position by the end of their campaign .
5 But they 've got ta be in that order .
6 But suppose I had found a watch upon the ground , and it should be inquired how the watch happened to be in that place ; I should hardly think of the answer which I had before given , that for anything I knew , the watch might have always been there .
7 If was going to be in that room in the vicinity of the bed presumably two places he could be , under the duvet or under the bed .
8 erm that 's why er you know really i it is essential that certainly who ever is going to be in that position knows what .
9 And would you like to be in that jungle ?
10 There would be absolutely no u need to use an apostrophe because there 's no possession to follow it , it 's always got to be in that pattern of owner and possession , and if it 's one , then it 's before the s and if it 's more than one , it 's after the s .
11 ‘ We just do n't want to be in that position . ’
12 Tom put his arm on my shoulder and said , with tears in his eyes , ‘ There 's one man I 'd dearly love to be in that stand — my daddy . ’
13 For one thing it is for the Holy Spirit to tell us in that hour what we are to say , and for another thing the people we prove to be in that hour will be determined , not by our thinking about that hour , but by our thinking and living in this hour .
14 I do n't want it to be questionable I want I want to make sure that somebody whose gon na be in that environment will settle down .
15 But he 's not gon na be in that much longer are ya ?
16 When the saints go marching in oh when go marching in I wan na be in that number oh when the saints go marching in , oh when the saints
17 oh when the saints go marching in , I wan na be in that number oh when the saints
18 When the saints go marching in , I wan na be in that number , oh when the saints go marching in
19 oh when the saints go marching in , oh when the saints , go marching in , oh when the saints go marching in , I wan na be in that number , oh when the saints go marching in
20 Oh when the saints , oh when the saints go marching in oh when the saints go marching in , oh when the saints go marching in , I wan na be in that number
21 Oh when the saints , oh when the saints go marching in , I wan na be in that number oh when the saints go marching in
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