Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] be see if " in BNC.

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1 Er I 'd want to be seen if it were only back of , back of
2 It remains to be seen if Free State will be able to keep stars like fullback Andre Joubert and centre Pieter Muller .
3 It remains to be seen if this impressionistic statement is correct or whether it will apply to future generations of elderly women who have been active in the labour market for most of their adult life .
4 Now more of a sex vixen than the innocent girl next door it remains to be seen if one can retain her teeny bop audience while aiming for the ( slightly ) more mature rock audience .
5 Such a proposal might well be interpreted by some critics of the CNAA as smacking of ‘ empire-building ’ and it remains to be seen if it will be given serious consideration .
6 However , the future is very uncertain and it remains to be seen if this increase can be maintained during the next few years while the size of the eighteen-year-old population remains large .
7 Its real efficacy can only be tested over time and it remains to be seen if clozapine is a major advance , or whether the wide spectrum of response originally found with chlorpromazine , from full recovery to no response , is merely replicated , with a general shift a bit further in the desired direction .
8 It remains to be seen if they have applicability to the much more complex discriminant analysis problems routinely undertaken by classical taxonomists .
9 It remains to be seen if Japan can be persuaded that 's its a price worth paying .
10 Twenty per cent of the crop is still in the ground and growers are having difficulty digging it out in the wet conditions … so it remains to be seen if the present glut will last .
11 It remains to be seen if the British public 's conscience is sufficiently roused to change things .
12 AFTER Darlington 's poll tax was set at £300 , well above the Government estimate of £257 , it remains to be seen if steps will be taken to sweeten the bitter pill .
13 Gaining territory by right of conquest was an entirely acceptable way to expand an empire , but it remained to be seen if anyone had worked out any better methods than those of the Spanish for ruling the new subjects acquired in that way .
14 It remained to be seen if he recognised her .
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