Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [v-ing] [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A STORE boss was sacked for taking 60 weeks sick leave in just two years .
2 Pesci , a bungling burglar in the movie and its upcoming sequel , gave up singing for acting 15 years ago .
3 AN heroic team of firefighters is being saluted for saving three people including a mother and baby son from their blazing home .
4 He said : ‘ The motorist decided to drive after sinking five pints .
5 ‘ My mind wandered off at four-love , ’ she admitted after winning nine games in succession from 1–1 to easily take the first set and forge a 4–0 lead in the second .
6 The latest bale grab is designed for handling three Heston 4600 bales .
7 Burgess got himself caught for speeding three times in the same day , caused a deliberate rumpus with his inimitable flair for trouble-making , and departed under an engineered cloud .
8 For his abrupt switch to English had come after taking one look at her knitted hat , cheap raincoat and brogues .
9 Smith , 29 , was already serving a 30-year ban when he crashed after drinking four pints of lager , the court at Leicester was told .
10 A man died and a woman was seriously injured in a stolen car which crashed after catapulting six feet off the ground into a telegraph pole .
11 The Conservatives only contested three seats in Barnsley in 1986 , so their borough-wide share was certain to increase after fielding ten candidates last May .
12 Philip Coates , 20 , of Ann 's Terrace , Darlington , and Andrew Hull , 21 , of Bartlett Street , Darlington , appeared before town magistrates yesterday charged with stealing two garden troughs and a chimney pot .
13 His Department of Trade and Industry ( DTI ) has been split into sections , each charged with assisting one area of industry .
14 At least one Kate was reportedly modified with folding four foot wing sections .
15 The major thrust may have been carried by a dozen committed individuals , but when push has come to shove , the YCCC have been able to fill meeting halls for important confrontations , and have succeeded in getting eight places out of eleven on the City Council filled by candidates representing a broad coalition under the slogan ‘ It 's time for change , ’ which campaigned specifically on local issues .
16 The moves follow a stormy extraordinary general meeting at Brockville on Thursday night , where the Deanses , who hold 57 per cent of the club 's shares , succeeded in ousting three directors — in spite of overwhelming opposition from minority shareholders .
17 Captain Roskill records that due to error there was no effective naval cover for the operation and German E boats succeeded in sinking two landing ships and damaging a third .
18 The British government is committed to taking 1,000 ex-detainees and their dependants , believed to be about another 3,000 .
19 The ‘ victims ’ of acid rain had also begun to form an alliance — the ‘ 30 per cent Club ’ , a group committed to reducing 1980 sulphur emissions 30 per cent by 1993 .
20 Under the terms of a new military agreement with France , Russia was committed to fielding 800,000 men fifteen days after mobilization started .
21 Perhaps you will change your mind about returning to publishing one day .
22 It had almost amounted to losing two parents instead of one .
23 There is now definite evidence that villagers are trying to meet their energy needs by substituting one resource for another — agricultural wastes for firewood , for example .
24 Under pressure from the aggrieved Junkers , the Prussian government responded by pushing 30,000 Poles who lacked proof of Prussian citizenship across the border into Russian Poland in 1885 .
25 ( " Pennies please , Charlie ! " ) , and the General , who had responded by evoking 1,500 years of French history .
26 His fifth point consists of four main practical applications and he concludes by answering twenty arguments against conversion .
27 In this paper the interdisciplinary nature of electronic publishing is addressed by raising two issues relating to the content and structure of an electronic publishing course .
28 There is also pressure of space in the town centre premises , although this has been partly alleviated by moving one advice worker to Easterside Library .
29 Manorial records in general concerned themselves solely with the head tenants ; the name of an undertenant might occur only incidentally , as at Long Crendon in 1535 when the vicar of Thame was presented for letting two tenements by indenture for ten years to William Byrte , from whom , in fact , he had purchased them a few years previously .
30 A REGIONAL councillor has been censured for removing three sets of keys from a district council 's offices .
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