Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [v-ing] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After David had been there a couple of weeks , I used to go off doing odd bits of work in London , working as a journalist , although I was n't very keen on that side of my life at the time — there were other things that interested me more .
2 There had already been one heated exchange between herself and the school managers , when Outram had pointedly refused to apologize for introducing controversial subjects .
3 It seems that other young men came to stay too — I suppose it must have been a very welcome extra source of income — and I understand that Great-Grandmother Tallentire was criticized for allowing young men to stay in the house when she had daughters .
4 The official newspaper of the Communist Youth League had reportedly been criticized for publishing investigative reports against party orders , and its editors had been threatened with a period in the country .
5 Displacement theory has , however , been criticized for giving insufficient weight to political influences on the level of public expenditure .
6 The Air Forces of the UK , Netherlands and Germany are criticized for continuing low-level flying exercises over the lands of the Innu people on the Labrador-Quebec peninsula .
7 His description is more sophisticated than that of the social anthropologically derived traditional community study which was rightly criticized for ignoring basal factors at the structural level .
8 Scottish Widows was punished for allowing greedy insurance brokers to sell unnecessary insurance to customers so that they could pocket huge commissions .
9 He claimed he was really being punished for making medical advice too cheap at 6d .
10 GILLES PETERSON , head of the Phonogram offshoot Talkin Loud , has been reinstated as director/DJ of London 's Jazz FM station , after being sacked for playing anti-war songs during the Gulf crisis .
11 By the generosity of the Duke of Devonshire , an area of land on the southern side of Burlington Lane , not far from the Southern Railway Station , was made available to the Chiswick Parochial Charities , and a number of Memorial Homes were erected for housing ex-service men and their families .
12 This year they hope to place cameras on the sea floor to search for escaping hot water , which would confirm the existence of the chambers .
13 The ability to search for supporting detailed information as time and necessity dictate .
14 He has visited Vietnam several times to search for missing American soldiers , a venture that plays well in his district which is home to a lot of ex-servicemen .
15 It is appropriately called ‘ Camelliifolia ’ and you can be forgiven for taking young plants as camellias .
16 Faced with France 's multicoloured vision of IT , observers could be forgiven for thinking other nations are still preoccupied with the small-screen black-and-white , version .
17 This is important because specific mechanisms have since been developed for subsidizing private operations in the inner area , but it should also be noted that all inner-area housing sites were already designated as housing land and there were no ‘ change of use ’ profits to be made on them .
18 Courtaulds Nippon Paint , a 50/50 joint venture between Courtaulds Coatings in the UK and Nippon Paint in Japan , will bring together the coil coatings technology of both companies and will make available to European customers the best Japanese technology and the systems Nippon Paint has developed for providing fast-response customer service .
19 This essential merging of primary rate and basic rate services will be achieved using the ‘ fractional Megastream ’ technology that the company 's Martlesham Laboratory on Martlesham Heath , Suffolk has developed for squeezing multiple ISDN channels over ordinary copper circuits .
20 During the course of the fieldwork under discussion here , they were used principally as a means of access to user groups and also as foils for cross-checking general data provided by other informants .
21 What controls should exist for using genetic knowledge in insurance and employment ?
22 Most books in the beginners'-instruction manual genre are flat and factual , with writing that is grammatically correct , but with little awareness that the final product is intended for living human beings .
23 Nor are cruise missiles intended for fighting nuclear war in Europe .
24 Taiwan was delicately situated for preserving American lines of communication between Okinawa and the Philippines .
25 The Community 's " structural funds " — designated for restructuring uneconomic industries and supporting depressed regions — represent a potential source of funding for such a scheme .
26 Last year 110,000 people died and 254,000 were treated for smoking related illnesses , taking up 9,473 hospital beds every day .
27 Gen. Ricardo Contreras , head of the Army Intelligence Battalion ( BIE ) which in September had been exposed for tapping civilian telephones [ see p. 39092 ] .
28 Of course I accept that one man 's fun is another man 's nightmare , and because of this more companies should think about creating ready-made racks for those who want them , or maybe just come up with designs and ideas for those who want to build their own .
29 You do n't think about having black dolls ,
30 You certainly appear to have reached a major turning point in your career and must now think about severing unprofitable ties .
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