Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [adv] [coord] it " in BNC.

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1 You may not need to yet but it 'll be easier to plan now than when you 're under pressure .
2 No it 's all done in there but it 's just got ta be decorated and like clean and
3 Somebody 's buried under there and it keeps
4 She said to her in the week when she rung she wo n't ring until I thought it was like midnight last night she was getting in and she was n't gon na ring till today but it 'll be tomorrow she 'll ring her .
5 Home Office pathologist Dr Donald Wayte estimated that Mrs McMullen had died at 6.30pm but it was at 9.45pm that McLean claimed she had just found the body .
6 There clubs closed at 1am and it is understood local police liaised with managers before Saturday .
7 Cos anyway we used to walk on those and sit under there and it was n't , did n't move did it ?
8 So when they walked in here it was packed in there and it was full in the bar .
9 Looked like huge gigantic pieces of toffee that he used to put in here and it melted and
10 Cos I goes in there , it goes in there and it comes out there . .
11 Some Wellington bombers flew from there and it 's likely the material was dumped in the field after the war .
12 It seems that this tax charge does not actually cancel out the potential tax charge referred to above but it is difficult to see how there can be double tax problems because there can only be a charge on monies remitted to the United Kingdom and this can not extend beyond the amounts actually available to be so remitted .
13 go through there and it 's somewhere around that area they sell
14 Aye , you go in there and it 's empty that other
15 Management , top management and the N E C or the N U R and that 's when it went to there and it was discussed and dealt with at that level .
16 THE Prince of Wales was hissed at yesterday but it made him laugh .
17 I knew a putt would have to drop before long and it came at the 8th , the par-3 ( 178 yards ) .
18 ‘ It has n't sunk in yet but it 's a very harsh and unfair punishment . ’
19 Thirty-seven-year-old Roseanne admitted : ‘ It still has n't all sunk in yet but it 's a great feeling .
20 And you can always tell reflectors in training , cos sometimes you 'll think what 's happening , nobody else wants participation , reflectors will actually stand back and think well what did they ask for , what do I talk about then and it 's always like a delayed response you get a lot of reflectors and we had one course once and we had all high reflector scores and that actually told us a lot about participation cos people were n't disguising any they were thinking about it coming in had time to consider an opinion so that 's a reflector .
21 However , no equipment will last for ever and it started to become obvious that I would need to update before too long .
22 After all , hinges do n't last for ever and it 's not as if they were trying to cram a bulky parcel through a small space , just a slim package .
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