Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun sg] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I hope that the paper will contribute to the debate about the nature and form of organizing for health in other countries .
2 Greece applied for membership in 1975 and finally became a Member State on 1 January 1981 .
3 He was an honest man : differences between the two quartos are very real , and they point to an obvious conclusion — that The Fairy Queen first staged in 1692 was significantly altered for revival in 1693 .
4 It apparently intends melding 32-bit versions of Windows and DOS ( the reputed DOS 7.0 ) in one package reportedly slated for delivery in 18 to 24 months .
5 He therefore gave authority to one Edward Sawyer to make inquiries , and to search for evidence in all houses and places in Kettering and five miles around .
6 Telephone numbers only will be given for contact in general .
7 Rather there is an essential assumption of that basic face-to-face conversational context in which all humans acquire language , or as Lyons ( 1977a : 637-8 ) has put it rather more precisely : The grammaticalization and lexicalization of deixis is best understood in relation to what may be termed the canonical situation of utterance : this involves one-one , or one-many , signalling in the phonic medium along the vocal-auditory channel , with all the participants present in the same actual situation able to see one another and to perceive the associated non-vocal paralinguistic features of their utterances , and each assuming the role of sender and receiver in turn There is much in the structure of languages that can only be explained on the assumption that they have developed for communication in face-to-face interaction .
8 Also included are several specially developed for use in primary schools , which will be available in the near future . "
9 Latex barriers were originally developed for use in dental surgery ( hence their other name ‘ dental dams ’ ) and are sheets of thin rubber around five inches square .
10 Gas chromatographic methods for the determination of herbicides , for example Simazine and Atrazine , are being developed for use in groundwater-pollution studies carried out by the BGS 's Hydro-geology Group .
11 This metal was specially developed for use in magnetic control systems and amplifiers and has a remarkably rectangular hysteresis loop in which the remanent flux is only 2.6% less than the saturation flux .
12 So far , compounds with less chlorine have been developed for use in commercial and domestic refrigeration units .
13 It is likely that group awards in sciences will be developed for introduction in 1993 using the new framework of modules .
14 Although Jane 's hereditary claim was weak , she was initially recognized as queen in many parts of the realm , and it took Mary several weeks to organize an effective coup d'état and take control of the throne .
15 For a while it proved a highly successful combination , but eventually it became apparent that the Japanese spirit could not compensate for inferiority in industrial strength and natural resources in dispelling any sense of national insecurity .
16 So the question of the soundness of Atkins L.J . 's dictum did not arise for decision in that case .
17 Of 1200 families who asked for help in 1991 , 56 percent of marriages are breaking down , 55 percent are depressed , 39 percent are drinking too much , and one in five is abusing their partner .
18 The SPAR system was not intended for use in practical applications , but was written to test a specific version of the hypothesis that a shallow processing approach to NLP , of relying heavily on linguistic knowledge and limiting the extent and use of world knowledge , can usually achieve accurate results in ambiguity resolution .
19 A cmos high-performance frequency synthesizer , the UMF1009T from Philips is intended for use in channelled VHF/UHF equipment such as portable and mobile radio and is programmable via the standard two-line serial I2C bus .
20 They are intended for use in discussion-led groups of about 20–30 people and are a valuable aid to teaching and revising for the Institute 's examinations .
21 Article 1(2) , excluding attempts to obtain evidence which is not intended for use in judicial proceedings , commenced or contemplated , is considered below in the context of pre-trial discovery .
22 A Letter shall not be used to obtain evidence which is not intended for use in judicial proceedings , commenced or contemplated .
23 It has to be stressed that this method of connection is only acceptable if the mains transformer is a type which has accurately matched secondary windings which are intended for use in this way .
24 Because of this , specialised models intended for use in FAI contests now usually have the option of continuing to drive the tail so that the model can be steered on the way down .
25 The report , which had been in the government 's possession for eight months , revealed that department officials had misappropriated funds , running into many millions of rands , intended for distribution in rural communities in the bantustans ( homelands ) .
26 A redesigned line of Minitel terminals , which will accommodate the faster service and new electronic banking services , is being readied for introduction in 1994 as well .
27 Three issues remain for consideration in this chapter .
28 at the caravan we never walk , we always go in he even goes for paper in bloody car , him !
29 It is the student 's responsibility to arrange for payment in full , on or before enrolment , although arrangements exist to allow self-funding students to pay in termly instalments ( see below ) .
30 It is the student 's responsibility to arrange for payment in full on or before enrolment .
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