Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun sg] because [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Similar decisions were reached in the cases involving hole in the heart babies who had to wait for treatment because of a shortage of trained specialist nursing staff .
2 But last night other umpires stressed that Oslear had not been sacked as chairman because of his battle to support Lamb .
3 The definition of ‘ consecutive ’ or ‘ non-selected ’ asthmatics was strictly adhered to by excluding from the study all those referred for investigation because of gastrointestinal signs or symptoms .
4 He tells me you asked for advice because of tantrums and that you agreed to him asking me to call on you … ’ .
5 The alliance between the groups which exchange women under a sister-exchange marriage rule or under a rule which specifies marriage between a man and his father 's sister 's daughter persists through time because of the felt obligation to arrange , at a future date , the counterpart of a marriage which has already taken place .
6 Of the 330 patients , 144 were excluded from analysis for the following reasons : asthma present , but referred for endoscopy because of gastrointestinal symptoms ( 56 ) ; chronic obstructive airways disease present rather than asthma ( 18 ) ; no asthma present ( 58 ) ; and declined offer to have endoscopy ( 12 ) .
7 A federal judge is expected to rule soon on the constitutional issue at hand — whether a state-owned institution can bar half the state 's citizens from applying for admission because of their sex .
8 The Chancellor , Nigel Lawson , insisted yesterday that the economy was unlikely to slip into recession because of higher base rates as long as UK companies controlled their costs .
9 Hepworth justified poaching from literature because of ‘ the advantage of a well-made plot , which was not at all easy to come by in original film scenarios ’ , but what this ignores is the responsibility of producers like him to foster the writing skills which would end British cinema 's reliance on the novel or play , and novelistic or theatrical styles of storytelling .
10 Most German people were not attracted to Nazism because of its anti-semitism .
11 Her sister , Khieu Ponnary , is married to Pol Pot , and was influential in the 1975 government , but is now understood to be confined to hospital because of mental illness .
12 This area was selected for study because of the authors ' familiarity with it , the adequate rural-urban contrast and the availability of a suitable image .
13 It was held that there was a clear infringement of the Compaq trade mark , although it was accepted that it was arguable whether it should have been accepted for registration because of its phonetic similarity with " Compact " , an everyday word .
14 Any days missed off work because of the union are paid as normal by Radio Rentals .
15 People threatened with repossession because of mortgage debts now make up one in seven of their cases .
16 Thurcroft colliery in my constituency is now threatened with closure because of a short-term geological problem , yet it has 20 million tonnes of workable low-sulphur reserves .
17 And finally , an animal sanctuary threatened with closure because of a cash shortage has been saved thanks to Central South viewers .
18 A museum described as containing one of the finest collections of modern art of its kind is threatened with closure because of council cutbacks .
19 Even her loyalty came under suspicion because of his activities .
20 We know much more than anyone could possibly want to know about Bill and Hillary 's sex life er than we do er about prospects for economic recovery and this has happened to successive American presidents and it happens in part because in the U S the president and his family , and it has been a his so far , the president and his family take the part , not only the part played in England by the prime minister , but also the part played by the monarchy .
21 The displacement model has persisted and expanded in part because of its own self-fulfilling features but also in the absence of credible alternatives .
22 In recent years it has become fashionable to say that Modi only suffered from poverty because of his drinking and drug-taking .
23 Patterns of power and oppression in families , and between families and their wider community , may result in silence because of violence or threats , or through mistrust of a justice system dominated by white male norms and values .
24 It would appear to have been adopted in psychoanalysis because of its air of scientific detachment and objectivity , its freedom from the objectionable religious overtones of such terms as ‘ sin ’ and ‘ evil ’ .
25 The tradition that stone circles and standing stones are human beings who have been turned to stone because of some misdemeanour is widespread and seems to point to some memory of the ritual use of these sites in ancient times .
26 ‘ Some work , ’ Piers said , ‘ on a certain house , which was n't finished quite according to schedule because of a certain lady who turned my world upside-down . ’
27 The offences only came to light because of an attempt to inflate profits at Alexander Howden , which was discovered by the American company Alexander and Alexander after it bought the company .
28 The economic growth of the 1960s and early 1970s came to grief because of the western economic slump of the last decade and the massive increase in the Southern population .
29 However , the scheme came to grief because of the entrenched opposition of Cabinet Secretary , Sir Maurice Hankey , who believed a tunnel to be a major threat to national security .
30 One of which was the property in Frinton which was owned jointly by Mr and his step mother who was an elderly lady who was then residing in that er property and er around that time on the first of October Mr er telephoned Mr and er told him about that but at that time , was not anticipating that there would be an difficulties about the security on Frinton for these he had always , added his case , made it perfectly clear to the man at the National Westminster Bank with whom he was dealing , Mr that that property was not a property which er could er be offered as security because of the joint ownership and er while in conversation with the bank he understood that this letter had been sent and Mrs had been on holiday and that it was simply oversight on the part of the bank at this stage and that all would well after Mrs returned , which was expected in two weeks time .
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