Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] place [Wh adv] " in BNC.

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1 Intended as a place where DEA and CIA agents could meet unobserved with informants and clients , as a message drop for CIA arms dealers supplying Iraq and the Afghan rebels , as a waiting room for DEA CIs and couriers from Lebanon , and as a transit point , not just for heroin , but for cash , documents and bootleg computer software moving to and fro along the Beirut — Nicosia — US pipeline , Eurame , as run by El-Jorr , was more like a low-life social club than a secret intelligence centre .
2 so , and we were repressing , repression was pushing into the unconscious , so does the unconscious still exist as a place where we repress everything ?
3 NIREX will opt for the place where they are least likely to meet opposition .
4 On the morning of the fourth day , with Men and People still in pursuit wherever he went , Creggan headed for a place where the food was where no Men were near .
5 Only they were men , scattering , seeking cover as they moved towards the place where he was hiding .
6 I walked the glen many times , and looked back on the few trees , lying far in the hollow , that grow near the place where the massacre is said to have begun ; while on either side were deep rock-lined , tree and fern-fringed chasms , leading into seclusions and bleak mountain summits , one could spend long hours exploring .
7 It would be awful to work in a place where everyone was miserable .
8 I did n't want to work in a place where I could n't wear my fur coat .
9 One felt that men had become brutalised by the preoccupation of not leaving their company and also not delaying in a place where death was raining down .
10 for proceeding to or returning from a place where it is to be or has been tested , or for proceeding to a place where it is to be broken up or otherwise dismantled .
11 ‘ They awarded me a seat behind a pillar for this French farce , but foolishly I moved to a place where I had a full view of the stage .
12 He had come to the place where God was but had not encountered the ineffable reality itself .
13 Insertions are quite simple in B-trees , every leaf corresponds to a place where a new insertion might happen , however deletions are slightly more complicated .
14 A group of children clustered at the place where the bridge forked to provide access to a set of warehouses .
15 Just then he stopped at a place where a dog had dug a hole in the ground .
16 Understandably , he is looking for a place where he can not be reached , A Retreat where he can enjoy an unearned or undeserved equilibrium .
17 He entered the maze of streets and alleyways below Piazza Amedeo , looking for the place where he had seen the little beggar girl with the bandaged leg .
18 Well into the seventeenth century , the Alps were seen as a place where the only activity was shovelling snow from the 45° pastures .
19 I could n't go on living in a place where I was no use , ’ she spoke with the quietness and desperate authority of someone who had discovered they could give up no more ground and live .
20 There was an ache in my middle as if a rock was lodged in the place where all my habits had been — my going-to-bed routine of always brushing my teeth last thing of all so that my mouth felt glowing fresh before I curled up under my duvet and drifted off into sleep .
21 But nearly all its distinctive features may be exhibited in a place where population and wealth are both growing , provided they are growing at about the same rate , and there is no scarcity of land : and provided also the methods of production and the conditions of trade change but little ; and above all , where the character of man himself is a constant quantity .
22 He had been trembling violently for several hours but now no sound came from the place where he lay .
23 We had to fix the unfortunate bird to the creance , place it on its perch in a field , pay out the long line , walk to the place where we wanted it to fly to and hold our gloved hands out with a piece of meat .
24 Allen asked , and as though to point his question they came to a place where another track came in from the right .
25 Then he came to a place where he could not push between two heavy warren bucks .
26 And she brushed past him and continued down the road until she came to a place where two paths crossed and there was a little clearing .
27 And on they travelled through the forest until they came to a place where the roads crossed and there sat an old woman resting on a stone .
28 They went across the fields and came to a place where a few stones lay , giving no indication at all that they had once combined to form a dwelling for holy women .
29 Ignoring the paladin 's complaints , Cleo kicked Contralto 's flanks to make him trot , and presently they came to a place where the path widened .
30 To be absolutely sure she followed one of them and came to the place where they curved round in front of a tree and retreated .
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