Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] with [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 It 's what you were born for — to make men 's heads turn and women 's eyes grow green with envy for all that you have that they can never hope to achieve . ’
3 And look at her … turning soft with admiration for a man who cared for nothing but his ambition .
4 InterBase 3.2 with support for Japanese , including Kanji and Kana , is scheduled to ship in the first half of next year .
5 More specifically , the classical requirement of consent or agreement for the creation of contractual obligations provides a justification for the obligation , which appears compatible with respect for individual liberty , and , at the same time , the need for consent preserves that liberty from unwanted imposed obligations .
6 Meanwhile , Riddler has to fight off the attentions of Seemore , a vagrant who has been driven mad with desire for her body .
7 I felt queasy with fright for his teeth had been filed down as sharp as dagger points .
8 He saw shame was her chief emotion and felt sick with pity for her .
9 Could not imperialism go hand-in-hand with prosperity for the working man ?
10 This shows the plebeians that Brutus is the man they need to lead them as all his speech is honest and spoke truths and did everything unselfishly , for other people — the crowd then go wild with enthusiasm for Brutus , and Brutus leaves them with Mark Antony , wrongly , asking the crowd to show respect for Caesar 's body and for Antony 's speech .
11 The hunt for causes goes on , and research into the causes goes hand-in-hand with care for the families .
12 The lady in the story ( as plainly told as it is titled ) inexplicably turns , halfway through an ordinary afternoon , into a bright-eyed vixen ; and the man in the story , equally inexplicably , Boy thought , remains faithful to her and loves her dearly even when she leaves him in order to raise a family with another animal and he even , in the end , goes mad with love for her .
13 Despite the hardness of her aunt 's attitude , the latter 's distress had got through to Lucy , causing her to become engulfed with sympathy for the older woman .
14 She wrote letters all day , floated around on a lilac cloud , heart beating scarlet with desire for Astrid and the tingling delight of waiting for when she would return .
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