Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] in [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 Bob Collicutt acknowledges that he is presiding over a mature , commodity business with limited growth opportunities , but sees the free-standing role as an opportunity for it to remain profitable in the longer term .
2 Alter Judy became pregnant in the lower sixth at school , she left and found herself a tutor for her A-level English , and also attended maths classes at the local college .
3 All these are very much in the comic-book idiom that dominates the film throughout — including the dialogue — but they require a degree of realism and detail unnecessary in the freer graphic comic medium .
4 Expand that up , you 'll end up with a normal inner leaflet to the membrane , a phospholipids but the outer the , er the outer layer is almost exclusively composed of this stuff , lycropolysacrulite I mentioned this in an earlier lecture but we need to go into in a little bit more detail .
5 They acknowledge the utilitarian functions of English teaching , and yet place these in a wider cultural and imaginative framework .
6 The student once having obtained these skills would then be encouraged to extrapolate these in the wider area of general study .
7 The dorsal arm plates are rounded in smaller specimens becoming hexagonal in the larger ones ; they are not contiguous .
8 The assumptions on which this conclusion is based will be made clear in a later paragraph .
9 It was made clear in a further policy statement that in those cases where the tariff was 20 years or more the reference to the local review committee would be made after 17 years had been served , though a warning was given that this did not imply that any particular period had been set for the prisoner 's tariff .
10 A key objective of the study is to link together economic , social and political change in the locality and situate this in the broader , national patterns of change .
11 I put it with other money I had and part exchanged my irons for a full set of top quality blades which had been in a sale after that my game improved immensely I got my handicap by putting in three cards two terrible scores of 86 and the good card which was 72 my handicap was then 15 I played in a junior competition and came third in the lower handicap section a week later and played in a medal and came down to a handicap of 14 .
12 The projection may be linear or exponential , or may incorporate more complex calculations which make allowance for variation in the basic parameters assumed to remain constant in the simpler equations .
13 It has been suggested that the Arkleton Trust , with its interest in new approaches to rural development , might become involved in the further elaboration and the evaluation of the IDP for the Western Isles .
14 First , modes of the symmetrical form that are inactive in a particular spectrum ( IR or Raman ) may become active in the lower symmetry of the site .
15 Here too , growing wild in the stonier parts , are the famous frankincense trees of Oman , producers of the world 's most fragrant incense for thousands of years .
16 In sectors that are suffering long-term or cyclical decline , arguments are often made for ‘ crisis ’ or ‘ recession ’ cartels , to prevent the scrapping of capacity that will remain viable in the longer term , and to ensure that contraction of the industry occurs in an orderly manner .
17 It helps to put that in a smaller bracket , when I go three times that , minus that .
18 Through her involvement in the childcare sector , Helen has become interested in the wider problems facing women who wish to combine a career and family .
19 I could already see the books piled high in the better shops , garlanded with white slips of praise .
20 The Royal Commission ( 1949 , Chapter 15 ) while uncertain that the trend of ‘ national intelligence ’ really was downwards , felt that ‘ it is clearly undesirable for the welfare and cultural standards of the nation that our social arrangements should be such as to induce those in the higher income groups and the better educated and more intelligent within each income group to keep their families not only below replacement level but below the level of others ’ .
21 As the Right Honourable Gentleman is aware , our top priority is to get inflation down , and I would also hope that he would be aware that the aim of doing that in the longer term has to be by making the price of money more expensive .
22 I think it 's very much linked with the safeguard being that we have got the one year cushion of , of carry forwards sums there to meet any immediate problems within the year , and give ourselves breathing space to , to address those in the longer term .
23 It was not until thirty years after Anselm that Archbishop Theobald began to build up an administrative staff necessary for the dual organization of ecclesiastical and secular affairs along the lines which became familiar in the later Middle Ages .
24 It is now necessary to situate these in the wider context of the social formation and in particular class structure .
25 These disciplinary aspects of Hopkins ' work had already become apparent in the later stages of the repeal struggle .
26 he did n't want anybody to know , but I think in he did that in the kinder fashion .
27 Does the pattern seem satisfactory in the longer term ?
28 By keeping the Snotties slightly apart they wo n't get involved in a larger combat and the casualties they suffer will be of no account .
29 But there had been strange times since then , and they 'd put Gentle in an apter mood for this study .
30 She was sorting out her clothes , packing some in the smaller case , throwing the rest aside .
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