Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pron] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 She claims she has been forced to wait for him to call her from phone boxes .
2 I 've arranged for you to pick her up from her hotel at four o'clock . ’
3 Would you object to my paying her a visit ? ’
4 ‘ She is , but do n't fall over yourself thanking her for it .
5 The swimming improved quite fast once Nails decided to be a conscientious tutor ; he swam beside her making her go just a little farther every time .
6 What 's up here ? ’ her reaction on looking down on Agnes was just as loud and domineering : ‘ Which bloody fool among you brought her in !
7 Yes , yes , erm , but I would of liked to have bought her something pretty , I ca n't think of what to get her .
8 My aunts , of course , thought her life had been tragic , and , because they were sorry for her , curbed their natural tartness and tried to talk about what interested her .
9 She 's looking for somebody to back her up !
10 But the pretence of searching for it gave her a moment to think .
11 When she tried again the door gave suddenly as if it had decided of itself to let her in .
12 she serves teas and so erm , I could do with somebody seeing her
13 Now she gestured to him to follow her .
14 Just looking at it made her feel creepy , and she rubbed her hands along her arms instinctively .
15 Rachel is inside the hotel lobby , waiting for me to walk her upstairs and round off our meal .
16 I just stood there like a goof waiting for him to introduce her .
17 She was waiting for him to kiss her , he realized , and it seemed suddenly to be the natural thing to do .
18 ‘ Maybe she waiting for someone to show her the town . ’
19 Amabel , who never knew even approximately what time it was , looked puzzled for a moment , waiting for someone to tell her .
20 For long moments she simply sat , as if waiting for someone to tell her what to do , her own power of reasoning immobilised .
21 Blanche winked at Dexter and nodded for him to follow her outside with his coat .
22 A silly little bitch she had been , pleading with him to let her live , and promising that if he did she would say nothing and leave Vienna at once , never to return .
23 What could she possibly see in him to make her want him , except , as on that one night , out of gratitude , pity , curiosity or boredom ?
24 But the point that Anna failed to grasp was that without the money it would never have occurred to him to marry her .
25 To look at him filled her with too many confusing feelings .
26 ‘ What do you think you 're doing ? ’ he barked at her striking her across the face .
27 To know that she was needed by someone gave her a heady sense of power .
28 Even as self-disgust welled up in her like pus for using Ember , even as the jellyfish threads of azure darkening around her made her want to mewl in repulsion , she was stepping forward .
29 BELVILLE : Well , I believe she now only waits for you to drive her .
30 Well if she wants if she wants to get rid of it ask her how much she wants for it .
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