Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 TRANSPORT helpline clerk Bill Goulding was sacked after swearing at a caller and hurling his phone headset out of a window , an industrial tribunal heard yesterday .
2 Lady Street had returned to what must have been normal for any morning at this time ; the delivery vans had gone , there was sporadic traffic in the one-way street , and people had no time to stand about gawping at the bookshop though they slowed their pace in passing and tried to look in without appearing to do so .
3 They fled after calling at a house where the vehicle was blocking a narrow country lane .
4 ‘ I sat on the train and could see other commuters walking past looking at the man in horror .
5 The more opportunities he/she has of looking at the illustrations and reading the captions with you , the more he/she will come to recognise the words .
6 I bumped into LETS at the Community Office in the middle of Totnes , Devon , but I could have found it in Wiltshire or Gloucestershire , and no doubt in other places , if I 'd bothered to look .
7 One person died and several were wounded in fighting at an opposition party 's rally in Lubumbashi , Shaba region , on April 14 .
8 They probably stayed that night at Watchet , and there , tradition records , the first lines of ‘ The Ancient Mariner ’ were committed to writing at the Bell Inn , within sight of the ships in Watchet 's decaying harbour .
9 But the stakes are so much higher than the mere semantics of the laws relating to lifting at the lineout .
10 He banged down the rucksack and the basket he had been carrying and looked without liking at the unencumbered Beuno .
11 This has to be approached by looking at the expert clause and other instructions given to the expert .
12 Tinbergen , for example , presented model bills of adult herring gulls ( Larus argentatus ) to the chicks of that species ; the chicks responded by pecking at the red spot at the top of the bill , which strongly suggests that the red spot is a signal , meaning ‘ start pecking ’ ( Figure 6.1 ) .
13 Beccaria starts by looking at the justification of the right to punish ; he concludes that it is to be found in the social contract whose central tenet he declares to be ‘ the greatest happiness of the greatest number ’ ( it is possible that he is responsible for originating this particular cliché ) .
14 This chapter starts by looking at the issue of control and discipline , and the related skills of questioning and reflection .
15 It analyses the problem of marketing to multi-individual buying structures , and concludes by looking at the applications of industrial purchase behaviour models .
16 PEG ( to Abberley ) : Are you frightened of dying at the moment ?
17 We thought we had an enormous pile but unfortunately our fire was not very long lasting and by 6 o'clock we were wandering about looking at the other , more professionally built conflagrations .
18 At British general elections , vote counts are reported at constituency level only , so that where a party gets its votes is largely unknown ( though party workers have efficient ways of estimating the geography of their support when acting as scrutineers at the count ) .
19 ‘ I 'm not suggesting a wholesale restructuring , merely that a few of the top ladies could benefit from participating at a higher level of competition ’ .
20 Zap ! — and the one Henry most favoured , which seemed from looking at the label to be a sexier version of raw bleach — Finish 'Em It came in a huge blue bottle on the side of which was a picture of something that looked like a bluebottle with twelve legs keeling over , while a housewife in rubber gloves looked grimly on .
21 My story , A Pair of Yellow Lilies , came from looking at a double-stemmed lily in our conservatory .
22 The agreed plan for a postgraduate institute was on the basis that it would be partly financed by National Health Service funds — a commitment made in writing at the time by the then Scottish health minister , Michael Forsyth .
23 There 's a technique in nuclear physics , called neutron activation , which allows you to measure quantities of trace very small quantities of particular elements in materials and it 's been applied to looking at the concentration of arsenic in Napoleon 's hair , and you find that there are particular periods in his life when he got dosed with arsenic_ one 's not quite sure how — and at those particular times he was erm very ill ; it correlates very well with the historical evidence .
24 ‘ No more than usual in a prison this size , ’ the Governor answered without looking at the other man .
25 then it may be appropriate for it to progress to operating at the skilful stage .
26 This was done by looking at the spectrum of laser light scattered off the electrons in the plasma .
27 As the Director explains in the preface , the exhibition was selected by looking at a number of separate modes of work , subject areas and photographic media .
28 In many cases the question will be answered by looking at the terms of the contract between the parties although a description of the parties as " employer " and " employee " is not conclusive .
29 The point is best made by looking at a simple inanimate , but man-made , system , which in this respect resembles a living and not a physical one .
30 The hard work can be minimised by starting at the Cluanie end of the glen , which has the advantage of 800 feet in height .
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