Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun] some time " in BNC.

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1 This is now part of the Italian Embassy and was designed by Orsi some time after 1678 .
2 Staff will recall that Penny Carter , a casual part-time member of staff in Foreign Books , appealed for money some time ago to support an evangelising trip to Russia .
3 This had been made by Dad some time previously , it was a beautifully constructed scaled-down version of the wooden barrows in use at that time .
4 She knew that Sue worked as a nurse four nights a week , going on duty some time after the children had gone to bed in the evening , and returning at seven in the morning .
5 Gimona claims SCO had already told Olivetti it would be refocusing on Intel some time ago .
6 Although he agreed , it was obviously difficult for Adam to let go of the reins , as Lissa discovered when she arrived at Lynx some time later to find him still on the premises .
7 He had called for Etienne some time ago , and was still waiting ; it gratified him to think that he would at least have an excuse to send the stupid pig on ahead of him .
8 In other words , studies of television genre begin to reinvent some of the wheels which film authorship and genre studies set in motion some time ago .
9 One of these possibilities made itself known to J. some time that spring .
10 A SIX-FOOT high chain link fence between Alton Convent and Anstey Park was vandalised by being cut into strips some time during the weekend .
11 She must have gone to bed some time ago , else Jessie would n't have been able to sneak out .
12 I might go to Shepperton some time
13 Leslie 's mother and I visited the family of the corporal from Edinburgh ; and when the mother of a Manchester man came to Edinburgh to stay with friends some time later , we went to see her , too .
14 It was getting towards ten o'clock , and they had switched to beer some time ago , to keep their brains clear .
15 I spoke to Michael some time ago , he 's getting better , and I look forward to him resuming his duties .
16 ‘ A series of questions recently asked of the general public found that nearly everybody drinks at home some time and that 47pc of people drink at home at least once-a-week .
17 Devastation to buildings in Mexico City , after the 1985 quake , could be repeated in Manhattan some time soon , say specialists
18 The trial conference will be held in Hereford some time next year .
19 The Iraqis later recovered the small Kurdish town of Haj Omran , captured by Iran some time before , and also the Iranian border town of Dehloran .
20 This disbursement was paid by Marshalls some time ago but not until after the statutory demand had been served .
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