Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [coord] [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 With regard to intrauterine devices we suggest that in some women developing endometriosis while using them the disease goes unrecognised and they are treated by removal of the device .
2 They wo n't come up to you because they think you 're dirty , because you got pregnant and you 're only fourteen or fifteen , but if you 're seventeen or eighteen it does n't matter , you 're old .
3 We do n't want that and I 'm sure you do n't want it either .
4 Lamb made 75 but there was little from anyone else , and the tourists won by 104 runs .
5 Yes well it 's possible that er Alan may see a way to using that but he is quite ni , I mean he he 's got no doubts he wants to come to me he 's in a divorce at the moment and the moment that the final papers are signed , he 's got to get out of the house he has to stay there till the last minute and then the moment that the papers are signed , he must go .
6 But we should ask ourselves why are we using that and what 's the effect of using other functions in there such as maybe an and or an or where we or the responses out of here or we an them .
7 It 's like that it 's in the dark so when you push that but there are n't many batteries left so
8 We regret this and it 's not going to happen again . ’
9 The results substantiated this and it was also found that at deeper levels of processing , ‘ No ’ answers were less commonly recognised than ‘ Yes ’ answers .
10 I have no experience of using Pascal but I 'm sure I could learn to program in this language .
11 I suppose because one is so helpless , there 's nothing you can do if anything goes wrong and it 's an awful long way down .
12 But anything goes wrong and it 's God 's fault !
13 Can we be sure that if this goes wrong and there is military involvement — as there might well be — we will not be involved on the coat-tails of the Germans ?
14 They 've broken free and they 're turning to see what kind of creatures called them out of their enchanted sleep .
15 I liked the sound he was getting and so I got some and they are the ones I 'm still using now . ’
16 it 's too late then , that 's what A Angie said , Angie said , you know they , they make this and it 's too late you ca n't undo the , the , it 's a lie !
17 and wrapped them all up in this cling film stuff , shrink wrap and they put her in she got wet and she was absolutely covered in shrink wrap but she did n't get out of the tank
18 If you 'd been working with this angle instead , we did n't know that and we 're trying to work with this one or we say we 're interested in this angle so that will be the opposite and this would be the adjacent .
19 So we expect that and we 're pretty certain that 'll come to two six two six .
20 I fully expect that and I am ready . ’
21 If ANSI.SYS is loaded then you can program any key to produce any character using the command PROMPT $e[ ’ old-key ’ ; ’ new-key ’ p and yes I know this looks odd and there is n't a printing error — the characters really are $e[ two codes and p .
22 Right , right , well you say that but it 's
23 she say that , and she say that and she 's always writing your name over the books and everything , okay , oh yeah , you must ask him if he fancies me and love him and ask him why he do n't he phone me that often , ask him that , you must say , right yeah , but do n't tell him that I told you to ask him , yeah
24 But I 'll say is it on the gardening page , is it on the letters page , pray for the sports page I always say and people look at me quite you know with a quite a look on their face when I sort of say that and I 'm absolutely serious , I 'll say you know if you get a four paragraph story on the gardeners ' page , you 're home .
25 It is I would suggest much easier to respond to the complaint in the line of service sir than it is in one round more complex technical services with contractors and sub contractors and the like , with whom we 've had to deal , so there is that to be borne in mind as well , erm I think I know about some of the response to be responded to that , but it does generally valuable this talk , this discussion cos it does show the degree of viability of exposing the service to , your making problems of this nature , it immediately challenges people to come back and say what about it , you promised this , you promised that and you 're not performing , this , this is discussion is a live example of the
26 I am an artist on the verge of becoming professional and I am seriously considering investing in an airbrush kit .
27 Sad to say the recession overtook that but it 's , it 's developing strongly again there now .
28 I do n't I do n't I do n't I do n't think I do n't think anybody is denying that but it 's clearly not worked .
29 And what was considered acceptable and what was considered being bloody greedy !
30 will er the the younger people will be encouraged to start to accept this and it is a change in our thinking , that it , I find it difficult as well .
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