Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [noun pl] [Wh pn] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Salina 's husband is dead , she has three children whom she feeds mostly from the food she can glean from the rubbish tips , largely banana skins .
2 A Special Report of the Girls ' Friendly Society in 1879 pointed out that middle-class women tended ‘ to over regulate those women whom we would serve ’ , because they were ignorant of working-class life .
3 I wonder if you would be good enough to inform any parties who you think might be interested in this news ?
4 Noverre 's second category comprised those dancers whom he expected to be technical perfectionists .
5 Mr O'Donnell said he had seen other men whom he named in court .
6 A secretary is seeking High Court permission to sue three doctors who she says failed to spot a hip deformity when she was a baby .
7 Protective clothing : the only protective item allowed is a Police ‘ Long Service and Good Conduct Medal ’ which should be worn in a prominent position so as to allow the Local Youth to identify old policemen who they do not like , from young policemen whom they like even less .
8 She had spent much of the week in and out of the air raid shelter dodging hit-and-run raiders who we knew were also reconnoitring for further attacks .
9 Executions are easily exaggerated , but the Encomiast 's statement that many English leaders were killed with Eadric , and that of the later Evesham chronicle that many of his soldiers died too , are quite plausible , given that he would have had powerful henchmen whom it was doubtless politic to eliminate .
10 because er well I er I , as I and I 've got young neighbours who I very seldom see because they are out at work er therefore I am quiet and that 's how I like to be
11 You might have ageing parents who you support and god knows how much other outgoings which are hidden and then you have to go down that road and say that you 're going to look at at financial status you 're going to have to say and exactly what are all of your outgoings in and now down going to get real unpleasant intrusion into people 's business .
12 Thankfully it is comparatively rare for human beings to seek to exterminate those creatures whom they regard as very much their inferiors — it is hard to find someone who favours the meaningless slaughter of dogs , for example .
13 Yeah , erm of course er some some you 'd sold it to you might have other friends who you did n't have as friends .
14 Eliot moves from such a primitive organization to discussing Greek drama , following the movement of Harrison , Cornford , and the other anthropologically influenced classical scholars whom he had read .
15 And so that 's why erm you know we we only use certain contacts who we know are very reliable
16 Samson has just killed two goblins whom he surprised in the room .
17 They seek life 's meaning in possessions , and use inanimate objects to tell other Earthlets who they are .
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