Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [noun pl] and give " in BNC.

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1 The accompanying text pages explore these questions and give definite answers as a basis for discussion .
2 Mum could n't read anyway but she always seemed to know when Auntie Nellie wrote and Dad made it my job to hide these letters and give them to him when Mum was out of the way .
3 The procedures look fine for the purchase of one-off and novel items , but it occurs to me that it would save time and effort if we established ‘ preferred suppliers ’ for standard PCs , printers , and peripherals , so that we do n't have to obtain multiple quotes and give reasons for supplier choice each time we order an off-the-shelf system .
4 ‘ We run regular courses to train health and other professionals to run stop smoking groups and to give help and advice on a one-to-one basis to all smokers who want to stop , ’ said Dr Ramaiah .
5 One issue that is particularly damaging is the decision by the Labour party that if it were in power it would tax British farmers and give the money to the farmers of Spain , Portugal and Greece .
6 With Guidance on collection and evaluation of hazard information the CIA aims to help companies identify hazardous substances and give advice on sources of information , with key tasks listed on a ‘ dos and don'ts ’ section .
7 Central government is there to set the boundaries to local government activity , to give advice , to set minimum standards and give financial assistance , especially to poorer areas , but local authorities have a distinct responsibility to develop services in their own way , setting their own priorities .
8 When Mr James Baker , the American Secretary of State , met opposition leaders in Tashkent in February , Mr Pulatov urged him to establish diplomatic relations to enable the United States to monitor human rights and give democracy a foothold .
9 He was shown unpublished essays and given his own room to work in .
10 The argument could far more plausibly be turned on its head : the ‘ latent function ’ of the operation of unofficial suspect categories may be to make the administration of ( in ) justice more efficient and ‘ rational ’ , which in turn institutionalizes these practices and gives them the status of ‘ due legal process ’ .
11 She poured two glasses and gave him one .
12 Attempts to classify mental disorders and give them names ran into many difficulties .
13 They feel like an extension of my arm , with a sweet action down their 10 ft length which is supple enough to cast free-lined baits and give me a feel of a fighting fish , yet with power to spare when I have to bend it into the run of a big carp .
14 Clare takes conventional subjects and gives them a twist , physically and artistically .
15 There 'll be a noticeboard displaying Compact jobs and giving you information about the companies .
16 She served four months and gave up the glue .
17 We wanted to address these issues and give mothers their names … for they are always introduced as ‘ such and such 's mother ’ .
18 QRAM can exploit these capabilities and give you access to the unused RAM that sits between 640Kb and 1,024Kb .
19 In on the fourteenth of July of nineteen ninety three the defendant took out a summons with a view to having all the outstanding matters resolved and er this summons came before erm deputy master on the twelfth of August nineteen ninety three and he gave various directions including an enquiry in relation to how the surgery premises er ought to be dealt with as in court in the winding up of the partnership and that matter went before Mr Justice long in December and he decided those issues and gave directions in relation to and how the premises are to be sold , the effect of the directions very vaguely , is that the premises have to be offered to the partners , if only one of the partners shows any interest then there is provision in the relevant deed for ascertaining the price and this is put to that partner at that price , if more than one partner wishes to buy the premises then there is provision for a fixing of a minimum figure and then each of the partners has to put in sealed offers er and the premises will be sold to the partner , the former partner who put in the last offer , that broadly speaking I think is the substance of Mr Justice order .
20 there is a there is a world of difference between saying those words and giving giving your opposite number a w a warm feeling
21 Food importers said supermarkets were stockpiling tinned supplies and gave warning that there would be shortages of pilchards and corned beef within a few weeks .
22 They decided to appoint eight constables and give each area , one constable , or devote one constable to each area .
23 Imagine a suite of software that used the central core concept controlling integrated modules and gave you the ability to run your own software as well .
24 And the DUP lost its stronghold in Ballymena , dropping two seats and giving the Ulster Unionists overall control for the first time in 15 years .
25 Luke sipped his juice : its extreme stringency caused him to lift both elbows and give a single , embittered nod .
26 Frederick Starr calls the second and third principles " decentralization " ( which involved giving local officials more power but preserved the notion of bureaucratic or " ministerial " hegemony ) and " self-government " ( which meant introducing representative organs and giving non-bureaucrats in the provinces a larger say in the management of their affairs ) .
27 Well I can I can remember when I was a child and kids had a lot of time to do hobbies and a favourite hobby was to make a a garden and I never made one , but a friend of mine was ooh forever making these things and giving them away as presents you got the lid of a biscuit tin or something of that sort and you I do n't know what they used for grass they used to model little ducks and things and he had a piece of mirror to make a pond have you ever seen this done ?
28 Choose two teams and give each one a balloon .
29 The only classy Lions ' back move of the second half came when Tony Underwood and Gibbs made sharp breaks and gave Clement the chance to burst through tackles for a converted try .
30 They can also talk very openly about sex and contraception , discussing any problems and giving one another advice .
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