Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [noun sg] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think that Dad is at all , but
2 So I think I 'm asking for just a bit more , more talks and where there is a , a home or homes in a rural area that may be the only home in that area , so it is available to local people that Social Services come in and there in an understanding in planning authorities first and now the actual criteria we 're working on because most local people will think that home is for local people .
3 The fact that an applicant seeking to enforce European law is in a better position in respect of interim relief than an applicant seeking to enforce English law has been rightly criticized , but the anomaly could only be removed by legislation which the government has little incentive to promote .
4 ‘ I went to Paris and I saw with my own eyes — either that or I was young and I dreamt it all — workers and students and young people together , fighting , helping each other-socialism was on the streets . ’
5 It has been calculated that matter is at present being continually created at the rate of about 50,000 sun masses per second .
6 Stars & Stripes now shares a first-place tie with Kanza , America 's sister ship , with four victories apiece in the defenders ' semi-final , and Connor said : ‘ We have to beat America once more to assure that destiny 's in our own hands , but we 're going to keep our feet on the ground . ’
7 I mean that carpet was at the other house .
8 So the next time a male voice , or a male footfall ( for cats can quickly associate the heavy male tread with the deeper male voice ) , or the scent of a human male ( for cats can also associate human odours with human genders ) is detected , the cat thinks that trouble is on its way again , and beats a rapid retreat .
9 Mill thinks that voting is to be ideally modelled on this er jury service idea so that 's another reason why jury service is so important for all citizens .
10 Nathan returns , suggesting that you need to be in a sheltered spot for minimum discomfort ; he thinks that constipation is to be feared almost as much as the wind .
11 The Attorney-General subsequently announced that libel was to be treated as a criminal offence , provoking protests against censorship from the local and foreign press .
12 A serious issue indeed for the Committee given that literature is to be the central instrument for furthering its cultural programme .
13 You know given that life is as it is are you okay and he said yes so I went round the gardens and I came back to him and I had a friend coming for lunch and I thought this is ridiculous , I 'm going to have something to drink and I 'm going to have a meal so I made him an enormous great wad of cheese sandwiches and some apples and a piece of cake and some biscuits and a cup of tea and I went downstairs with the milk and the sugar and cup of tea and all this stuff and I went into the gardens and this poor child he looked very defensively a second time and I said well I thought you might like some breakfast and I wrapped the second lot up so if you 've nothing later on , why not put it in your pocket and eat later in the day and I did n't know whether you took milk or sugar , so I thought I 'd better just ask you and do you know I thought he was going to cry .
14 The other new works given that season were by apprentice choreographers .
15 Now although the only known brother of Æthelred named Edmund died in the early 970s , when Thietmar of Merseburg describes events in England in 1016 he tells how , after a battle in which Edmund was killed , the Danes fled from before London because they had heard that help was on the way from Edmund 's brother Æthelstan and the Britannis .
16 She was not fooled for an instant nor so cut off from news that she had not heard that war was in the air again .
17 ‘ I do think this record is unlike any record that I 've ever done before .
18 We are able to calculate the population for the late 17th century when a census was taken throughout Kent to enumerate the various religious bodies i.e. the number of Conformists , Catholics and Nonconformists , the return for Hailing showing 60 Conformists , no Catholics or Nonconformists , so allowing this figure was for adults only and allowing an average of 40 children for 60 adults this gives us a total of 100 .
19 ‘ He 's not a flash Harry or a cheat and if he does n't think another year is on the cards he will tell me straight . ’
20 ‘ Why do women always think another woman is behind a man 's decision to remain free ? ’
21 Although such ‘ signals ’ may be born of snobbism and élitism of the least attractive kind and are often public confirmations of economic privilege , those teachers who have devoted their working lives to the state sector know that the only way of countering , undermining and finally defeating private education is by making the local authority schools places where all children realise their full potential .
22 Now it has finally taken to the field and just about touched first base , announcing that OfficePower is from today , generally available worldwide on Santa Cruz Operation 's SCO Unix implementation .
23 It was also reported that work was under way to clear Iraqi mines from the coastal waters around Kuwait , in preparation for the amphibious assault which was widely expected to accompany any allied ground offensive .
24 They say that hunting 's for er er human pleasure , er , I mean personally I 've only been to one hunt , and I do n't see what all the the , the , the , the trouble 's about because the huntsman is only a spectator , it 's the hounds that are hunting the fox and it is to keep the foxes down .
25 A different way of justifying private property is by reference to a supposed dependence of individual freedom on the existence of a private property system .
26 Both subss. ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) provide that citation is to be by the board .
27 It is pertinent to observe that education is about an emotional response to real situations — not simply about facts .
28 As the spend over the three years will be more than that — last year 's spend was £17 million and I expect this year 's to be £25 million , making a total of £42 million — I suppose that I could give my hon. Friend the assurance that he seeks , but even if our figures were so way out that I could be caught on that commitment , when I consider the matter next May — assuming that the burden still falls to me to do so — I would have to make the same calculation as I made this year .
29 Out of curiosity , how long has this variation been in your family ? ’
30 Erm how long has this branch been in ?
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