Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [conj] can [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The success achieved with children incorporates these and can become the only way of dealing with children .
2 Taken at face value the words found sinister and can convey a false impression like some sort of second-rate horror movie .
3 In bathrooms , it 's advisable to tile walls other than those immediately above the bath — excessive condensation looks unattractive and can shorten the life of the product .
4 But they do n't eat much and can live for 15 years .
5 From 9.30 to 5.30pm , 6 days a week , we smother the children with suncream , take them for walks , supervise those that can swim as they play in the water , feed them and entertain them with games .
6 So when I said to Bob this morning was it Bob , I said do n't I do n't have a magic wand that 's gon na get rid of them but what I hope I 'm gon na give you over these two days is a system whereby you can use that and can support you so you 're able to effectively present despite having the nerves and be able to put over your point of view effectively , yeah ?
7 Everyone today thinks of the great stillwater monsters but the slightly smaller fish of very many rivers fight well , look splendid and can grow more than respectable in size .
8 In the period immediately before a race it is worth eating something sweet to provide glucose and drink plenty of fluids since in a long race you can become dehydrated and can lose up to 5lb .
9 Octaves should be avoided in serial music for two reasons : first , they cause a note to sound out strongly as a tonal centre , disturbing the atonal equilibrium ; secondly , in a succession of ‘ atonal ’ intervals the octave sounds weak and can cause a defective void in the harmonic flow .
10 ‘ Ribbons and felt , for example , do n't cost much and can add colour and warmth to a room . ’
11 You might just get to a goal that is difficult to master , or you could find that when you are about half-way through your goals you get stuck and can go no further .
12 As your baby gets older and can sit up unaided ( at about 8–10 months ) , you will need to change to a forward facing child car seat .
13 Purists will want more and can seek it elsewhere .
14 Largely because of their native climate and sparse grazing , they are small animals standing perhaps 100–110cm at the withers on the islands and weighing 300–350kg , but in improved mainland environments they reach 116–122cm and can weigh 50 per cent more than the island cattle .
15 If the superfast Yamaha proves reliable and can withstand the constant high revving on the long straights between Portstewart and Coleraine , and Coleraine and Portrush , it should be easy for Mitchell .
16 The court can make whatever order it considers appropriate and can impose conditions .
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