Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [pron] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I did n't want that one did I ?
2 Given that she 'd nothing in particular to gain , the chances seemed to favour the first of these options .
3 BZW 's cheapest option — pulling out of Tokyo — is barely feasible , given that it got its TSE membership only last November after much huffing and puffing from Margaret Thatcher when she was prime minister .
4 But then I got another one sewed it backed on sewed it back on and now I 've got two balls full of sperm ready to come up your Mum tonight .
5 Some minutes later , the rush having subsided , Rona , bending down to Maggie , said , ‘ Since when has that one called you Maggie ?
6 She was afraid he would ask her about herself and to forestall this she asked him to tell her about his training and what he hoped for in the future .
7 To explain an event or state of affairs is to find another which caused it .
8 And he wants this one did he ?
9 Not wanting to appear rude we ploughed our way through a bucket between us and then left while we could still walk .
10 When Bishop Asser says that Alfred severely chastised those who disobeyed his orders , he may be referring to action of a similar sort .
11 But sterling 's recent weakness has disappointed those who expected it to rise sharply against the D-mark this year .
12 Now , has any , has any one got anything they want to bring up ?
13 Now let's say we 've done that we thought there were three people here so you though you were getting a third right .
14 Okay having done that we discussed what the content of the course was going to be and then I asked you to make a first presentation .
15 ‘ I got so angry at being accused of something I had n't done that I made it happen . ’
16 You had n't written that one had you ?
17 ‘ When the lease on the Old Bells came free I grabbed it , thinking whatever happened we 'd have a job and home . ’
18 She pulled the half-empty cup towards her , and after quickly filling another she passed it to him , smiling at him , saying again , ‘ Sorry . ’
19 Before I could do this someone snatched my handbag and made off with it .
20 And when he had said this he placed himself at the feet of the Bishop , and there before all the people made a general confession of all his sins , and all the faults which he had committed against our Lord Jesus Christ .
21 When we power dressed we made our bodies look angular and more aggressive , with hard , sharp lines .
22 ‘ But if you were trying to keep it secret you should have made sure you bribed your porter not to talk . ’
23 Mary 's self-seeking dandy courtiers soon made sure she signed it .
24 She said the Queen and somebody else made sure she knew I was in Famagusta .
25 But perhaps she ought to have made sure she told him to see his own doctor as soon as he got home ?
26 Whether dining in the glittering salons of Mayfair or ministering to the sick in Yorkshire or Somerset , Smith reduced all who met him to a state of breathless mirth .
27 Holmes was addressing those who traced their roots back to the Puritans : ‘ We must not forget that our fathers were exiles from their dearly loved native land , driven by causes which no longer exist .
28 Entrepreneurs , by their nature , are relatively thin on the ground — and an ungrateful lot not given to remembering those who helped them on the first , shaky steps on the ladder .
29 This attitude was kept alive by the strong sense of the permanence of human arrangements in the matter of property , which seems to us of all things the least permanent : gifts to the Church were made to last till the Day of Judgement , and many of the documents in the Canterbury archives invoked God and all his saints on the Day of Judgement to destroy those who violated their provisions .
30 The declaration committed those who signed it to recognise the independence and sovereignty of other members , to respect human rights including those of national minorities , and to observe existing boundaries .
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