Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [noun] [vb base] be " in BNC.

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1 blah , blah , blah , recommended that interview have been in both directions despite in this difficult across , and I could n't say when you could do that at midday , but the implication is you have to do it when you
2 Teachers using simultaneous communication have been shown to present deficient models of English syntax in their signing ( Marmor and Petitto , 1979 ; Kluwin , 1981 ) .
3 The rarity of such positive conceptions of homosexuality within , or in relation to , otherness , is the more significant given that homosexuals have been among those who have literally ( rather than metaphorically or theoretically ) embraced the cultural and racial difference of the ‘ other ’ .
4 And given that humans have been predators of prairie dogs for at least 150 years , the researchers argue that they are perfectly legitimate to use in such a test .
5 ‘ Now we desperately need to get our home form sorted out because three of our four League wins this season have been away .
6 For the last 5 years , chemists in Gloucestershire which display this sign have been operating a needle exchange system .
7 Many thousands of separate natural minerals which fit this definition have been described , and , especially in the nineteenth century , scientists spent decades of their lives in searching out new ones .
8 This concept is illustrated by the equality paradigm shown in Fig 12.1 , where the resources required to provide further education have been accurately defined and costed , the necessary finance obtained and used to purchase the resources , which in turn satisfy the needs for education .
9 Protruding parking bump sensors that sound a warning when they nudge another car have been launched as an accessory to help drivers squeeze into tight parking spaces .
10 Unfortunately , much of this vast publicly available information resource is bibliographically ill-organised , is of very variable quality , and is frequently difficult to access or acquire The problems of accessing and acquiring such information have been greatly aggravated by the need for enterprises more and more to compete on a global basis ( compare , for example , the ‘ 1992 ’ initiative ; suddenly , we have to know all about Greece ! ) .
11 Five slicing cold meats have been launched by Princes in 4lb sizes .
12 Despite their name they do not sterilise but articles fully immersed in them , for 30 seconds or more , after cleaning , may be rendered free from harmful micro-organisms provided operational temperatures have been reached and are maintained .
13 Charges against the Marquis of Blandford alleging that he assaulted two policemen have been dropped .
14 The once razor sharp blades have been replaced by wooden ones tipped with rubber .
15 The bodies of eight of the nine airmen killed when their Hercules crashed last week have been flown back to RAF Lyneham .
16 Using such measures Lehmbruch is able to place Austria high on a scale ranging from strong to weak corporatism , because it ranks very high on all relevant dimensions .
17 Though Kasdan appears to disapprove of the Joel Silver style of wham-bam slam-bangers , it 's impossible to tell whether he thinks such films have been instrumental in the decline of western civilisation .
18 Woolwich says six-month arrears are back to the levels of February 1988 and the Abbey National says short-term arrears have been declining since the end of last summer and repossessions are stable or falling .
19 She says rural areas have been hard hit by the recession .
20 Moscow says Georgian forces have been attacking Russian bases in the volatile Black Sea province and has vowed to retaliate if the attacks continued .
21 The prime movers in developing this structure have been larger firms who can expect favoured treatment in times of expansion , and can transfer adjustment burdens along a chain of subcontractors in recessions .
22 Our proposals for developing this policy have been set out in the White Papers on ‘ Competing for Quality ’ in central and local government .
23 A number of proposals addressing this issue have been considered including the " Fifth Directive " concerning company structures and the powers and duties of governing bodies .
24 Two methods of obviating this problem have been reported .
25 These peptides are complexed in both neutrophils and monocytes , but recently extravasated mononuclear cells have been claimed to express only the L H chain in acute inflammation — contrasting with chronic inflammatory conditions in which macrophages often are found to express both chains .
26 Deer have been very much part of my life , and I hope these notes have been of interest and helpful in understanding why stalking takes place .
27 At the time of writing these provisions have been in operation for nearly six months and appear to be effective .
28 HOLLYWOOD star Bruce Willis 's plans for a third Die Hard adventure have been hit by action man rival Steven Segal .
29 Although this has led to some re-siting of base stations , Macklin says these problems have been resolved .
30 HMSO says all copies have been sold and no more will be available ‘ as publication has been suspended on instructions from the EC ’ .
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