Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] as he had " in BNC.

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1 She asked whether it could be made to stick as he had been told .
2 Perhaps that would explain it , why he 'd lost his composure with Antonini , why he 'd reacted as he had to the woman .
3 He had tried to do as he had been told by the Pessarane Behesht .
4 To have recovered as he had done , so successfully , so brilliantly , after such a traumatic experience , had been a considerable feat .
5 If she had done as he had suggested , become a doctor maybe , or a teacher , he would be alive today and she would be living a normal life .
6 I intended to say merely that we had done as he had instructed us in his letter , hoping that he would thereby confirm the letter as a matter of course .
7 Not even the raids on the town 's three gay brothels brought forth a whisper of information about Surere 's whereabouts , and after four days of intensive hunting , over ground which included the Valley of the Great Tombs on the west bank of the river , Merymose began to think that perhaps , after all , the escaped political had done as he had told Huy he would , and left for the northern deserts to found his religious community .
8 Yorick had died as he had lived — untidily and selfishly .
9 He had given her a ring that did n't belong to him ; a ring he had stolen as he had stolen Mister Johnny 's safety and Hepzibah 's happiness when he had stolen the will !
10 There was a small band away from the tables , and the singer had started as he had begun his meat and called for a second bottle .
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