Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] at [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Unlike Descartes , who felt the need to prove their existence , and Malebranche , who was certain he could not , Locke simply had no doubt that material things existed and caused our ideas : ‘ The actual receiving of ideas from without … makes us know , that something doth exist at that time without us , which causes that idea in us . ’
2 They passed , apparently oblivious , intent only on their own business ; but hardly a soul in the village failed to pass at some time during that day , and not one missed a detail of what was there to be seen .
3 They have two natural gaits the gentle , lolloping , forward movement of the warren on a summer evening and the lightning dash for cover that every human has seen at some time or other .
4 Because star formation and hence the formation of neutron stars by supernova collapse in NGC6342 ceased long ago , the apparent youth of the pulsar suggests that a major event has occurred at some time during the last 10Myr .
5 It 's what everyone has to do at some time — it 's called taking responsibility for yourself .
6 In accordance with the terms of the contract , you can choose to retire at any time after the age of 60 , when the policy will buy you a regular pension plus the option of taking part of the money as a tax-tree lump sum .
7 At recent rates about 80 per cent of married women can expect to work at some time in their married lifetime ( Martin and Roberts 1984 ) .
8 She 'd thought at one time that it might be serious , be love or something weird like that , she 'd even thought they could get married .
9 And anyone who came calling at that time today must have more time than sense , because today was Tuesday .
10 We have therefore decided to withdraw at this time ’ .
11 The ideological basis of Kremlin policy seemed confirmed at this time by Stalin , who declared in a speech in February 1946 that the Second World War had vindicated the Soviet system of government .
12 Of course , we had to walk to work at that time o' day .
13 … or is it just another of those little habits ( much favoured by men ) that seem to flourish at this time of year .
14 If you 've actually be wangling system on your way up , which is what most of us seem to do at one time or another .
15 Blake was not averse to entering such places , but could think of a number of things he 'd prefer to do at this time .
16 But companies can stop giving at any time ; under the traditional system of covenants , they were committed to giving an annual donation for four years .
17 Regrettably but perhaps inevitably , the ambivalence of feeling and thought which is bound to exist at any time of change has been seized upon by those who can profit from it .
18 We became known at that time as a labour school and still later , we were known as a farmer-labour school .
19 I can stand in front of the screen , I can look at the simulations , I can stop them whenever I want to stop them and look at them , it gives me ideas about how the buildings might have looked at that time and it gives me a whole range of variations as to as to what can be done in terms of their reconstructions .
20 It must have looked at one time as though I 'd follow the family tradition and end up permanently on a farm .
21 My first reaction to the resignations was that they were tantamount to an admission of guilt when , in fact , the Argentinians could have attacked at any time in the previous fifteen years .
22 Proposals to replace our dry sow accommodation could not have come at worse time , with pig prices falling through the floor , and I suppose some would say that we are reacting plenty soon enough .
23 ... But no , for he had said her heart was badly damaged , death might have come at any time .
24 If the beneficiary dies after the passing of the Finance Act , 1975 , then of course for CTT purposes any determination or disposal of interest which has taken place since 25/3/74 has constituted a transfer of value and in addition if he is entitled at his death to a beneficial interest in possession in any property remaining in settlement that property falls to be included in the aggregate of the estate immediately before his death , a transfer of value of which he is treated as having made at that time .
25 He regretted that his proposal for a peace conference a year ago had not been acted upon , as he was confident the Soviet Union would have participated at that time with beneficial effects for the whole world .
26 But there may be legitimate reasons for incorporating a company which is intended to remain dormant indefinitely or for retaining on the register a company which for the time being has ceased to carry on business but which the members may wish to use at some time in the future for the same or some different business .
27 I would have sworn at that time that I loved her as much as she did me , more even , but subsequent events proved me wrong .
28 The air raids failing to materialise at that time , 152 of these were transferred to the Orchard London County Council Hospital in Dartford .
29 They could have left at any time .
30 ‘ It appears it could have happened at any time , even running for a bus , ’ said headmaster Harrison Huddart , at Hewart Grange School , Gateshead , Tyne and Wear .
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